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A Treat for all you MF'ers!
December 19, 2002

by The Cubs Fan


TV PG DLV entertainment Last Thursday and the PPV (3:03) open - if I wasn't skimming this week I'd point out the sudden increase of Matt Hardy (Version One) in these. But I really am. 

Fireworks - it's the St. Pete Times Forum in Tampa, FL (SAP) and we do have a new WWE Champion, Kurt Angle, who will be here tonight. Tonight - "what really happened in room 357". Tazz says "it was prohibited from airing last week" - funny, I'm pretty sure Dawn willfully opted to save the footage for the PPV last week, what Tazz just said would only make sense if they were expecting people to forget what they saw and read third hand sources about what happened behind the scenes. That sounds like really crappy storytelling so I must've made a mistake somewhere. Also, a special interview with Torrie regarding that footage, but it only makes sense that tonight starts out with...

the New WWE Champion Kurt Angle walking to the ring. Tazz: "You hear that, Cole? Respectful You Sucks!" Crowd does cheer quite noticable when Angle poses with the belt in the corner - he's got a standing ovation. He seems happy, of course. "Well here I am, Kurt Angle! You know, I've been the tag team champion, InterConteitnal Champion, King of the Ring, NCAA champion [crowd is picking up the What], world champion, Olympic Champion, and once again your WWE Champion! Woo! But I'm not out here to celebrate, actually I'm out here to get something of my chest. You see, it may sound a little strange coming from me, but it's true - it's true. Because all my life, I've earned every title I've said I could win on my own. This one's different. You see, I'm not so sure I could've beat the Big Show on my own. I may have, I may not have. But there was one man who lived up to his word, and did the right thing when it counted, and I'd like to personally thank him right now." Looks like he'll be able to do that face to face - that there is Brock Lesnar's music. Lesnar walks to the ring as Cole and Tazz explain that Lesnar "made an impact" - Angle got rid of the suspension and Brock held his end of the deal. Face to face. Angle: "Speak of the devil. You see Brock, I always said I could beat any person on this planet, any man on this planet. But I'm not sure if I could beat Big Show by myself, especially with Paul Heyman in his corner, if it wasn't for you. Now I know you don't want a thank you, I know you don't want a pat on the back [Brock taps the title] I know Brock, you want something different. You want what every person in this arena wants. You want what every person in this world wants to see. The most anticipated match in WWE history - Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar." Crowd is loud, but not exceptionally so - not to Angle's hype, certainly. "One on one for the WWE champion, am I right? Well Brock, I'm a man of my word, and I said, if I won this title, you'd be the first one to get the title shot. So here it goes Brock, NCAA champion vs Olympic Gold Medalist. The match that everyone wants to see - the most anticipated match in the world. Brock, you've earned it - anytime, anywhere, you name the place." Crowd has a definite idea of when and where they want to see this. Brock takes a step back to consider it, but perhaps he has the idea already. He takes the mic: "I'm glad you feel that way Kurt, because I want that match - here, tonight, in Tampa!" Crowd is exceptionally loud now. Kurt looks hesitant. "That sounds incredible, Brock. That sounds good to me. But it's not gonna happen. [LOUD boos] You see Brock, I'm a little banged up as it is, but more importantly, I already have a match scheduled with Chris Benoit - a non-title match, because I promised you the first title match. And Brock, it's already been signed, my hands are tied - my hands are tied! But listen to me - listen to me, no one in this company, no one on this planet can understand the sacrifice and dedication it takes to be in the best in the world more than me. So if it's a title shot you want, Brock, it's a title shot you got. The Match Everyone Wants To See, Kurt Angle Versus Brock Lesnar, next week on SmackDown! - what do you say?" Crowd isn't happy - Cole figures the fans in Tulsa must be thinking differently. Back to Kurt: "Brock, I said - you get the first title shot, it'll be next week on SmackDown. [crowd boos more] What do you say, Brock, you've earned it. [Kurt stick out a hand - crowd starts a "You Suck" chant - Brock sizes him up, waits a long time, looks at that hand, think some more, still thinking, he's not a quick man, ah there's the handshake, which gets no big reaction. Brock taps the belt again and they exchange competitive words as Angle's music plays. HEY that's a whole lot of typing for skimming

Tonight - Kurt Angle vs Chris Benoit - if the announcers didn't know this was coming, the graphic people sure did. Cole notes that Benoit has had two victories of Angle in recent weeks. I think Cole and everyone else have differing concepts of "recent" but it's a nice thought.

RAW Live
Saturday - Oklahoma City, OK
Two Weeks From Thursday - Honolulu, HI
Two Weeks From Friday - Honolulu, HI
Two Weeks From Saturday - Anaheim, CA
Two Weeks From Sunday - Colorado Springs, CO
Two Weeks From Sunday - Phoenix, AZ

During the Break - Big Show ripped up the locker room in displeasure over Brock getting a title shot before him. Big Show says Kurt admitted that he couldn't beat Show without Brock's help - Show doesn't want to have to face Brock to get his title back. He apparently doesn't think he can beat Brock but can beat Angle, interestingly enough. Paul Heyman, forced with a choke, says he has a way to guarantee that Big Show will get that first shot at the title. Heyman claims he had a contingency plan - the greatest of them all. Show isn't quite believing and more with the violence threatening. 

WWE Tag Team Champion Eddie Guerrero (El Paso, TX, 228 pounds, w/WWE Tag Team Champion Chavo Guerrero) vs earlier tonight - Chavo: "Billy Kidman, the only reason you beat me before is because you're a cheater! A cheater is what you are! A cheater cheater cheater! So tonight, I'm gonna be there to make sure that you can't cheat again, when you go one on one with my Uncle Eddie!" Cole finds it funny that Chavo would complain about Billy cheating.  

WWE Tag Team Champion Eddie Guerrero (w/WWE Tag Team Champion Chavo Guerrero) vs WWE Cruiserweight Champion Thug Life Billy Kidman (Allentown, PA, 215 pounds) in a non-title match - Kidman does a nice job of getting himself distracted so Eddie can punk him out. Kicks and punches. Corner whip, Kidman stops short, turns around and snake eyes Eddie as he comes in. Monkey flip! Kidman tries to follow up and gets kicked. Forearms. Back suplex. Kick to the back. Kick to the back. Forearm to the head. Forearm to the head. More forearms. Kidman is down and Eddie hops - that was almost a Jericho Juke and Jive. Whip, tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. He going up already? Feeling Froggy - Kidman rolls, but so does Eddie - right misses, Kidman's kick is caught, enzigiuri is not. Both are slow up - is Kidman holding his left arm? Force of habit. He ducks a right and a left from Eddie and throwing punches with both hands at Eddie, clubbering him. Whip, backdrop. Short powerbomb one two NO. Tazz says Kidman's offense is cool. Corner whip, reversed, Eddie charges into a boot. Eddie draws the referee away as he recovers - Chavo tries to get involved and gets an elbow. Kidman with a right for Eddie, ducked, Eddie goes for a back suplex but Kidman catches him in a headlock - Kidman Acid Drop, kicking Chavo off the apron in the process. Kidman drags Eddie into position - to the ropes, Shooting Star Press one two Chavo breaks the pin. Hebner is over to try and figure out what happened. Kidman knows and pulls Chavo up to the apron to punch him a few times, back off the apron. Kidman turns around - Eddie with a kick, lift, hey Black Tiger Bomb! One two three (3:00) They don't have a name for it, of course. Chavo in to get revenge via stomps. Eddie pulls him back Chavo is still mad at Kidman.  

Backstage, Matt Hardy (Version One) walks confidentially to the SmackDown GM's office, pausing to knock before waving it off and walking in. "Matt Hardy, Version One, has arrived, Stephanie! What's going on?" "Oh my god, what happened to your eye? [Stephanie gets up to check Matt's face - we see the left side of his face for the first time and notice a black eye] Oh Matt, that looks horrible." "Stephanie, you'll never believe it - the other day, I was leaving a hotel lobby, and group of MFers, I mean they mobbed me." "Whoa, Matt, what's an MFer?" "the Mattitude Followers - and they mobbed me so viciously, I'm lucky I only escaped with a severely damaged eye." "Speaking of lucky, you have a match tonight against Brock Lesnar. Well, are you gonna even able to compete with that eye? I mean, maybe I should find a replacement-" "No way, I am competing with the eye! I think you remembered what Brock Lesnar did to me just a few weeks ago, don't you? - he threw me through a wall, Stephanie! And tonight is Matt Hardy's night to get revenge on Brock Lesnar. I want to give you a simple rule on Matt-amatics - Matt Hardy minus one bad eye is still greater than Brock Lesnar." Matt walks off - Stephanie doesn't seem convinced but seems resigned that Matt is. 

As the commercials play, I'm sad - not just because I'm in awe of Matt for drawing out a good backstage segment with Stephanie (I think she's a face this week) but I know this show can only go downhill from here.

JVC B2 beats Rikishi last week

Chuck Palumbo (already in the ring) vs John Cena (w/Bling-Bling Buchanan) - Rap or the match? I guess the rap.

"Yo yo
everybody knows that we ninjas in the ancient art of thug-a-nomics. 
so you all better to learn to love it, because there's no replacing us
the Buccaneers are queer, I'd rather cheer for the Patriots
Face it, me and B2, a re-arrange
I'm half rapper, I'm half sports-entertainment
You in danger, you from Tampa, I'm from Boston
new law enforcement
like the four horseman
Assortment, you need a cavalry to battle me
I beat you down brutally
and watch you die tragically
I beat your dad's family
I beat you moms
your sister calls me leprechaun
always after my lucky charms [grabs area]
physical storm
prepare to throw down your keys [I think]
yea, we back
just like bell bottom jeans"

Tazz: "I love Lucky Charms!" Tazz reveals he also has a degree in Thug-a-nomics, well duh, I expect he teaches weekend courses at Red Hook U. Cena wore that chain he or B2 is going to use to pop Chuck sometime here (I'm going out on a limb) but also a Lugz T-shirt. I remember what it did for D'Lo's career. Oh yea, he's also wrestling in jean shorts now, quite like Scotty. Match is quite like you think it would be. I think he's Bling Bling and B2, but I'm not 100% sure. Cena uses a sitting full nelson instead of a chinlock. Tazz: "Rappers are very high strung all the time - that's the rapper gimmick, that's what they do." Cole: "What do you know about rapping?" Tazz: "It's Christmas, I wrap a lot of presents." Discus punch doesn't come close to hitting (or hurting any eyes) but the camera does a good job of hiding it. Chuck oddly goes to the top - ah, they're doing the roll through pull the tights finish - Cena on top for three (2:46) Palumbo argues, and that not working, opts to punch Cena. Chuck doesn't think this out to well - B2 is in and he hits the chain punch to Chuck's head. "That'll leave a mark on someone's head!" Replay of the finish and the punch. Back 'live', Rikishi is out and after both B2 and Cena - B2 gets run into the post. Rikishi goes to behead Cena with a chair, but Cena ducks in. Rikishi corners him in the ring - rights, corner whip, corner butt smash. Thrust kick. Rump Shaker - no, B2 pulls him out in time. Play Rikishi's music. Rikishi doen'st look like he's going to dance

From Armageddon - highlights of the Dawn/Torrie/Al fun - but we cut it off before we see any footage. (:39) That footage is supposedly next.

Hey it's the outside of the building. Still to come - Kurt Angle's first match since winning the WWE Title. 

Your announcers are Tazz and Michael Cole who won't stop talking about the footage. But first, let's see how this all started...

Video package recap. (3:11

And here's a "short clip of the scenes you missed at Armageddon - this goes :14, from Dawn kissing Torrie on the cheek to Dawn about to kiss Torrie on the mouth, but the clip stopping right there. Tazz says it's the hottest footage he's ever scene, and one thinks Tazz needs to get out a little more. Hey, so does everyone involved.

From Bosie, ID, Torrie Wilson talks but say little of importance. She's gonna supposedly let Al do his own thing right now, though she still wants to beat up Dawn so I'm not sure how that works. We're interrupted by Look at Dawn and Look at Al. Dawn gets to say nymphomaniac, which must've made someone very happy. This goes on and on, even when I start fast forwarding. The punch line is that the wedding is in two weeks, which means we probably only have two more weeks of this left. I don't think they'll be on the Today show.

Backstage, Matt Hardy (Version One) is getting ready. Tazz: "Ohhhh, I'm an MFer! I'm an MFer!"

Backstage, Brock Lesnar is getting ready. That match is next.

RAW Retro - the Rock, Hulk Hogan - 02/18/02. (:53) Cole says he still gets goosebumps watching that - anyway, over a million votes in already, so your vote probably doesn't matter. Don't bother to go! Let's plug the magazines again - and this time, look at the Divas on the back.

Brock Lesnar (WWE Anthology, Minneapolis, MN, 295 pounds) vs Matt Hardy (Version One, Cameron, NC, 234 pounds, w/Shannon Moore) - Matt has wrestled in 44 states - I wonder which six he hasn't. I'd guess the Alaska tour will take care of one. The fact that we could blame this loss (assuming Matt would lose, ha) on Matt's eye injury is DRILLED in. The turn around from that backstage vignette with Shannon and him actually appearing in any shape or form with Matt was six weeks - please don't take that as an indication that they don't care about mid-card storylines! Actually, I could have complained "sure, they gave A-Train the big chance instead of Matt, but hey, they remembered a storyline after a month and a half and gave him a jobber underling - what's he really got to complain about?" but I didn't think this through quick enough. I wonder what Matt would do - he'd probably just shut up and wrestle, hmm. Matt grabs his eye many different times in many different ways - oh, he's got something to say. "Brock, tonight is your lucky night, because now, on my way to the ring, I lodged something in my good eye, and now I don't have any vision at all. So needless to say, Matt Hardy (version one) won't be able to compete tonight. But in a very fortunate Twist of Fate, I have found a suitable replacement. The original Mattitude follower, Shannon Moore!" Shannon - and the TV PG DLV box - are shocked. Actually Shannon's been practicing this face all day and it shows. Matt responds by throwing him in the ring, so I guess it's 

Brock Lesnar vs Shannon Moore - Shannon wisely begs off and turns to yell at Matt. Brock grabs him, chokes him, and throws him. Brock points at Matt, Matt points at his eye. Shannon, showing much more guts than brains, dropkicks Brock in the back. Forearm, forearm, uh oh Brock's caught him - OVERHEAD BELLY TO BELLY SUPLEX TO THE FLOOR! Matt can't believe what he didn't see! Shannon nearly landed on the ramp, Brock threw him FAR. Matt helpfully throws Shannon (who is dead) back in the ring. Replay - Shannon went a long way. Brock decides he might as well finish it - super spin F5 one two three. (:47) Matt's eye hurts, but he manages to get away from the ramp as Brock approaches. Matt climbs in when it safe, but Brock turns around the ramp to see Matt berating Shannon. Brock runs - Matt's turned around, F5. Brock surveys the damage. Satisfied with having no one left to kill, he leaves. Lets have replays - Shannon's F5, Matt's F5, and that big suplex.

Backstage, Kurt Angle and Stephanie dance around a mystery subject - Stephanie's mad about something we're not clear about, but it's apparently that Angle lied about something. Angle plays dumb for a while, but finally relents when Stephanie threatens to go do it herself.

WWE Champion Kurt Angle is already in the ring as we come back. I already did this once. Angle talks about the three Is - we're gonna focus on Integrity. He says that, if he had a choice, he'd face Benoit and Brock the same night, but apparently it's not. Angle: "Anyone who represents himself has a fool for a client. And Kurt Angle is no one's fool. And that's why, a week before Armageddon, I hired myself a management team, to look out for my own best interests and also be in charge of all Kurt Angle contract negotiation. What I would like to do right now is introduce the head of my management team - Paul Heyman." I'm still surprised that Heyman has no music. Tazz is confounded by none of this making any sense - Kurt and Paul hug. Paul talks, he can't see how someone would be surprised, because he'd do anything to keep Brock away from the title. Plan was made a week ago. Paul recaps - he mentions the Brock/Angle chat but doesn't explain the purpose, he purposely went off so Stephanie would lift the suspension. The point was to screw Brock all over again, though this is about the lamest and most inefficient way to do it. Paul does a lot of recapping what happened but not exactly what the point of doing those things was. Paul calls of Angle/Lesnar indefinitely. Cole lamely protests. "Any challenger but Brock Lesnar" - breaking all rules, someone's music doesn't play. Big Show is nice enough to wait till Paul is finished to come out, but he's not so happy. Show corners Paul and rants - "what the hell is wrong with you?" Paul talks his way out - he's not dumping Show, this is the greatest thing that's ever happened. Paul talks randomly about "bargaining position" and "leverage" in no meaningful way - at most, he promises a rematch between Show and Angle. Angle isn't happy about that. Paul's big plan is that they'll just defend the title against each other, and particularly not against Brock Lesnar. Tazz: "With Heyman, the misery never ends. It never ends." Show agrees to shake Paul's hand - they hug. Break.

I guess Angle does this because he doesn't believe he can actually beat Brock either? That was not made clear at all.

Bod Man Nunzio debut of Last Thursday.

Jamie Noble & Nunzio (w/Nidia, 400 pounds) vs Crash (Salisbury, NC, 215 pounds, yellow, "I Eat Cake" T-Shirt) and earlier today - Crash is so angry, he enters the ring like a normal person! Crash and Funaki were talking about whatever it is that Funaki and Crash talk about (perhaps their fierce rivalry), when Bill DeMott walks over and scares Funaki away (continuity.) After complimenting Crash's family's toughness and bringing up what happened last week, he offers to tag with Crash - Crash says okay. Crash voice is oddly deeper than normal.

Jamie Noble & Nunzio (w/Nidia) vs Crash and Bill DeMott (280 pounds) - Bill got a new music. Who do you root for in a battle of four heels? Crash is a heel, right? I'm not so sure - I was too busy watching Nidia to see if she still hated Nunzio (results: inconclusive). Does Bill have a new hair cut? Bill decides he'll start, and he'll let Crash in a minute. Nunzio oddly has green, white and red tights. Bill has no problems with him. Jamie tags himself in and it goes no better for him. Bill makes Jamie tag in Nunzio - Nunzio tries to battle with right hands but Bill out pounds him. Jamie manages a blind tag and sneaks in with forearms, but Bill takes him down with one kick. Big powerbomb for Jamie. Nidia is up on the apron but I don't think Bill cares. Is Bill gonna tag Crash? No, Bill with No Laughing Matter on Jamie one two three (2:12) Yea, so that was basically a 1 on 2 squash. Crash comes in and talks trash to his opponents. Fist pound from Bill? Nope, Bill kills him with a clothesline to. How about another No Laughing Matter! Hey, Jamie's still on that losing streak...

Backstage, the Cat works in his catchphrase while talking to Edge: "You know what, that's a good idea - someone should call your momma, call your momma and tell her about the ass kicking I'm gonna lay on the A-Train tonight! [Cat does not react] You see, what I started on Sunday at Armageddon, that's just beginning. For what A-Train did to Rey Mysterio, he tried to take him out, tried to end his career - that's my best friend - and he tried to do the same thing to me. Cost me the #1 contendership to the WWE Championship. Well you know what Cat, that don't cut it with me. You see, A-Train's got some debts to pay, and I'm here to collect. Tonight, you and everybody else and especially the A-Train are gonna find out that Edge - he's the little train that could."

Lugz Albert Reign of Terror of Two Weeks Ago 

Edge (T dot O, 241 pounds) vs A-Train (Boston, MA, 350 pounds, w/Last Sunday) - oh wow they added smoke to his entrance! This changes everything. We hear how A-Train got DQed, but only see Edge with the chair many times. Surprisingly, they wait till the bell tog et started - A-Train with a kick, right, right, kick, right, whip, shoulderblock. Off the ropes, big splash but no one's home. Edge with an elbow drop to the back of the neck, right, right, right, right, whip, reversed, A-Train press, Edge lands behind but hurts his knee and A-Train charges with a tackle on the right knee to aggravate it. Elbow drops to the inside of the knee. Knee drop to the knee, and now cranking in a leg grapevine. Edge tries to fight to but A-Train is in control - legdrop on the leg, and working a legbar. Edge trying to battle with shots to A-Trains' back but he keeps the pressure on. Edge gets loose, both to the their feet - Edge with a right, chop, open hand, chop, off the ropes and caught - sidewalks slam. One two NO. Half crab, of course on the bad knee. Edge isn't very from the ropes, but he's in a lot of pain. He's still got to move and hasn't yet - He's moving a little - he's got it. A-Train takes his time letting go. Turnbuckle smash. Right. Right. Right. Kick to the knee, kick to the knee, kick to the knee. A-Train turns to chase the referee away, and walks right into a boot. And another. And a third - no it's caught - enzigiuri is not, but Albert stays on his feet. Edge of the ropes, ducks a clothesline, running forearm. Faceplant, but Edge hurt his knee again. Slowly climbing the ropes and Albert has time to recover - A-Train with a right, Edge with a lots of rights to push him back down. Edge all the way up and waiting for A-Train - missile dropkick connects. One two NO. Edge waits for A-Train to get up - kick, Edgeuction is escaped, but Edge just ducks a clothesline and hits the Edge-O-Matic one two NO. Edge waits in the corner for A-Train to get up - charge, but right into a knee lift. Now it's A-Train waiting for Edge - scissors kick one two NO. A-Train can't believe it. Back to the Half Crab but he's close to the side ropes. Of course Edge will go the long way, though. Edge in a lot of pain but gets it moving - and he's got it. A-Train forearms him as he gets up, but Edge rallies back with back elbows. Edge misses a clothesline, double choke but Edge dropkicks out of the Baldo Bomb! A-Train clothesline misses, SPEAR one two three. (5:33) Tazz says this is definitely not over.

Josh Matthew interviews Brock Lesnar's door. Wait, first he's going to recap what happened in case you missed, and then we get the actual interview after a break.

Well, maybe after a Royal Rumble promo.

And Benoit warming up backstage.

Okay, here we go. Stop recapping this again, Josh. Here's Brock. "State of mind? You wanna know my STATE OF MIND? ... That's a good question." And he...walks away! Wow that was sure worth it.

WWE Champion Kurt Angle (Pittsburgh, PA, 237 pounds, w/Paul Heyman) vs a break - a draw!

SmackDown! Live
Sunday - Tulsa, OK
1/2 - Albuquerque, NM
1/3 - San Fran, CA
1/4 - Fairbanks, AK
1/5 - Anchorage, AK
1/7 - Tuscan, NM

WWE Champion Kurt Angle (w/Paul Heyman) vs Chris Benoit (Edmonton, AB, 229 pounds) in a non-title match - Announcers are really ticked at Angle. I think Cole dubbed the group "Paul Heyman's Family" - I guess that shows who's in charge? Circle. Benoit pays no mind to Heyman. Lockup, Benoit with a waistlock, Angle goes behind with a waistlock. Angle tries to fight free but Angle takes him down, front facelock but Benoit quick to a hammerlock. Angle looking for a hold, elbows, but Benoit is letting go, switching over to a headlock. Angle with an elbow and shoots Benoit into the ropes, but Benoit is back with a shoulderblock, off the ropes, over, hiptoss blocked and Benoit kinda armdrags out (Tazz: "that's actually an underarm spin" - thanks!), then hits an armdrag for real. Benoit with kick in the corner. Chop. Chop. Right. Mike Choida wants Benoit to give Angle room but Benoit's not listening, kick, kick, Angle escapes when Benoit backed off. Angle stumbles over to talk to Heyman, but Heyman runs as Benoit comes out - forearm to the back. Right. Benoit chases Angel into the ring, Angle tries a right but Benoit blocks and hits his own. Armdrag. Corner whip, reversed, Angel charges into a back elbow. Benoit charges out for a clothesline, kick snap suplex one two NO. Tazz: "That snap suplex, shades of the great Dynamite Kid, and so many people - compare to the rabid Wolverine Chris Benoit." Benoit with chops, whip, reversed, overhead belly to belly suplex. Both slow up - Angle first, with right hands. Cole doesn't know how Paul manages to "brainwash" wrestlers. Stomping. Cole: "I would venture, after what's happened tonight, that Paul Heyman may very will be the most powerful man in Sports Entertainment right now." Angle throws Benoit out, and distracts so Paul can get in a belt shot on Benoit. Angle goes out to pick up Benoit (dead weight) and covers one two NO. Stomping. Snap suplex. Angle slow to follow up - Benoit nails him with a hard chop from the corner. Chop. Angle stops this with an eye rake. Now a hard chop of his own. Another not so good. Benoit with a right. Angle with a right. Angle with a chop. Snap mare. Kick to the back of the head. Chinlock with bodyscissors. Cole says Paul Heyman Family again. Benoit battling to escape - elbow, elbow right. Whip, reversed and Angle gets up a knee lift. Cover one two NO. Right. Right. Benoit battling back - chop chop chop. Whip, clothesline misses, Angle German Suplex. Angle takes time to pose. Pulling down the straps. Kick, Olympi-no, Benoit (awkwardly) reverses it to an armdrag! Double clothesline and both men are down. Choida counting them down - one two three four five six seven (Tazz: "Eight's next.") eight nine but they're pretty much up - punch blocked, punch not blocked. Benoit with a whip, big clothesline. Clothesline. Whip, backdrop (didn't look quite right and Benoit is momentarily limping.) Angle misses a clothesline - German Suplex German Suplex German - no reversed and rolled into the AngleLock. Benoit is not far form the ropes but he's looking for something else - rolling escape drives Angle into the turnbuckle head first! German Suplex German Suplex German suplex GERMAN SUPLEX. That last one propelled Angle to the ropes, so he rolled out to get a break. Benoit follows him - chop. Angle thrown back in, Benoit follows. Angle misses with a right- German Suplex German Suplex German Suplex! That's 9! Angle literally has had the snot knocked out of him. Benoit with the thumb across the throat - Swandive Headbutt! He doesn't cover - CROSSFACE! Angle is barely moving! Angle is in a lot of pain - but Benoit lets' go? Ah, he heard the Big Show's footsteps - doesn't stop him from walking right into the goozle, but it's a nice thought anyway. Chokeslam, ring the bell (9:47) Brock Lesnar is out - ducks the clothesline, "overhead belly to belly suplex" on Show! Angle up - and he runs right into another (and much better) overhead belly to belly suplex! Heyman on the apron - Heyman pulled into the ring. Brock's got him by the neck - loading him up - and Nagle clips his left knee! Angle pounding him with fist as Heyman yells to Show. Show pulls Brock up and hands him back to Angle - kick, Olympic Slam. Chokeslam for good measure. I guess Benoit's out of the ring? Angle and Paul trash talk Brock as he lies on the mat. Paul's a horribly ugly man without that hat on. Angle holds up the belt as the three pose to close.



SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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