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SD! Director's Edition: Exclusive,
Never Before Seen Footage!
January 3, 2003

by The Cubs Fan


TV PG DLV entertainment Last Thursday (2:40) open - hey, Shannon Moore's made the open! (being thrown out of the ring at a high rate of speed) fireworks. It's the Tulsa Convention Center conveniently located in Tulsa, OK and Happy Holidays.

Tonight: Kurt Angle vs Big Show for the WWE Championship - check out the blinking lights on the chyron (red and green are the official colors of holidays) and the nice peaceful snowy background, all the while ignoring Cole and Tazz speculating this match may not even happen.

Why not start the show with Stephanie (wearing red) - she's smiling so she must be a face this week. Posing for the crowd. Thanks for talking so I can take an early break. Eh - I'll regret doing this later but why not. "Now, you all just saw a graphic for the WWE Championship, a match between Kurt Angle and the Big Show, tonight. [cheers] Unfortunately, that match is not going to take place. [boos] And it's all due to Brock Lesnar. See what you all don't know is what Brock Lesnar did to Kurt Angle after SmackDown went off the air last week. Kurt Angle will not be able to tonight. As a matter of fact, Kurt Angle might not be able to compete until the Royal Rumble! [boos on these lines - hmm] But I'm not gonna sit here and explain to you all what happened to Kurt Angle [because she's standing], I'm gonna show you the footage [oh - there's a beat here, too] later tonight. Now, as far WELLLLLLLLLLLLLL IT'S THE BIG SHOW" That would have been funnier if she really did sing but it's actually just his music there. Big Show is out alone, but dressed in all black. Oh no they've both got mics. "Well, thanks for interrupting me, Show, um, but where's your mouthpiece, where's your agent Paul Heyman?" "Stephanie, Paul's not here yet. And I wanted to speak to you myself." "So you came out here and interrupted and couldn't wait to speak to me in my office like everyone else." "No, Steph, I didn't FEEL like waiting. [Show takes a giant step closer to Steph] I just heard that Kurt Angle might not be able to defend his WWE championship until Royal Rumble. I didn't hear you name me as Kurt Angle's opponent. [leaning over her, almost going forehead to forehead] Now I'm sure that was just an oversight, right? I'm sure you meant to make that match, right, Stephanie?" "[scared, but not you only hear it in her voice] Show, everything I do, I do for a reason and unless you wanna end up suspended like Brock Lesnar was, than I suggest you BACK OFF." [Cole and Tazz are impressed by Stephanie - Show does take that step back.] "Now, Paul Heyman did name you as #1 contender to face Kurt Angle last week. But I am the General Manager of SmackDown, not Paul Heyman, and I think you need to earn your title shot. Therefore tonight, you will compete in a Number One Contender's Match, the winner of which to face Kurt Angle at Royal Rumble. So tonight's match, Big Show, will be you versus Chris Benoit." [Show gives us disbelief - not in fear, but that he has to waste his time jumping through a hoop] "Chris Benoit? CHRIS BENOIT? That little toothless wonder can't hold a candle to me! I'm seven foot tall! I'm five hundred pounds-" And that's Chris Benoit, walking to the ring. Stephanie seems happy to see him - that way, Show won't be able to kill her? Big Show takes off his jacket as Benoit walks to the ring. Stephanie gives Benoit the microphone and backs her way out of the picture. "YOU have absolutely no idea what I'm capable of [we get the a side zoomed camera shot that magnifies the height difference] BIG SHOW. And don't even think for a second that I forgot about you chokeslamming me last week. You know, the only thing stopping me from breaking your damn neck right now is our match tonight. Last week, I made Kurt Angle TAP, just like I'm gonna make you TAP, tonight [cheers] and go on to be the #1 contender for the WWE Title." "Listen, Benoit, I'm a Giant, and obviously, YOU'RE NOT. And the only chance in hell is beating me is to take me from my size all the way down to your size [hand motions to indicate size difference], and I don't see that happening." Benoit looks at the crowd, thinks, and low blow kick! That'll do it - Show's dropped to the mat. We get a Stephanie reaction shot as she sneaks out. Benoit drops his microphone and laughs before leaving himself. Show is still on the mat in pain.

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Next Thursday - Honolulu, HI
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Moments Ago, Benoit brought Show down to about Ultimo Dragoncito's size.

Your announcers are Tazz and Michael Cole who vaguely talk about Brock and Angle off air, but not specifics. Footage later. Hey, why isn't Brock in this #1 contenders match.

Bill DeMott (280 pounds, w/Last Week) vs Crash (Salisbury, NC, 203 pounds) - Tazz: "There's a happy guy." Cole: "Almost as happy as you." I forgot to mention up there that it sounds like Tony Chimel got an early Christmas break and Jason Justin Roberts is handling the ring announcing tonight. How Korderas escaped that match last week without getting beat up too, I dunno. BILL IS NOTHING BUT A BULLY. Cole: "I wonder what's gonna happen when Bill faces someone his own size!" [Crash's music plays.] Me: "Too bad he's not 400 pounds anymore - hey, let's skip to the moonsault." Well they have to get in the ring for this to start - Crash tries to pull Bill out, and ends up getting rammed into the post, then his arm stretched around the post before the bell even rings. They're doing a story around Crash's left arm, which plays so much into the moonsault. Crash seems to kick low to bring Bill down to his size but apparently that was only last segment as Bill does not go down. Cole talks about us (or at least Tazz) having seen Dawn and Al backstage previously but there's been no such vignette on this show. Crash goes for a 'rana and gets a powerbomb. No Laughing Matter - wait, Tazz: "here comes the Big Shot, the BIG SHOT" Cole: "the moonsault connects" (2:12) whatever

NOW we see Dawn and Al backstage and SOMEONE needs to read their format sheet a little closer next time. They have a wedding next week, don'tcha know. They got presents to celebrate one week till the wedding - Al got Viagra, but that's really for both of them. Dawn got Al a camcorder, but that's for both of them. Oh you don't think that just MAYBE that camcorder will end up taping something it shouldn't so Torrie can show it to stop the wedding next week, that would be HORRIBLE. Like them making out right here.

Here's the invite: hey, three weddings in one year - most soap operas aren't that stuck on one plot device.

Last Thursday, After Smackdown: Kurt's being helped to the back. But how did it get that way?

Outside, those giant snowflakes are real but the buildings are CGI. Tazz's JR imitation is in between

OH YEAH Matt Hardy (Version 1) (w/Shannon Moore) is out but I don't think this is a match (no ring introductions.) He was the MVP of the '99 No Mercy Ladder Match, I hear. Magically, between Velocity and now, Shannon's hip/back really starting bugging him - hey, maybe it was that work Chavo did on it! That's not what Cole and Tazz want me to think. Tazz to Cole: "You're not an MFer - you're an Fer, but not an MFer." Matt has something to say "Ladies and Gentleman, I have come here tonight to talk to you about something - a problem that is surely and slowly destroying "Smackdown". And that problem is Brock Lesnar. If you don't believe me, than why don't you ask my young MFer - my Mattiutde Follower - Shannon Moore." Shannon helpfully nods his head. "And if that still is not enough to convince you, but I have a piece of video footage to prove my fact. And no, it's not the video footage of Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar that everyone's talking about, it's MUCH more important than that. So, Ladies and Gentleman, if you would, please turn your attention, so you can please see what happened to Matt Hardy (Version One.)" Shannon goes airborne - and also the big F5. And the big tragedy of the Matt F5. "It hurts me to watch that footage. But I'm sure it doesn't hurt me anywhere near as much as it hurts you Shannon. The important thing is that you didn't quit, you didn't give up. You're hurt, but you're here. Don't forgot, my last name's Hardy, and I know what it's like, to feel pain. And Shannon, sure you went in the ring with Brock, you gave it all you had, Brock beat you, but he didn't break you. And that's what counts. And you should be proud of that fact. And I'm sure that all these people are proud of you for that. [boos] Brock Lesnar must be stopped. [boos] So next week Brock Lesnar, Matt Hardy is challenging you to a one on one match, LIVE on SmackDown! And Brock, please, bring everything that you had, because Mattitude is going to a whole new level! [quick knee lift to the hip for Shannon!] This what I'm talking about! [microphone to the face]" Matt waits for Shannon to start to get up, but he can't without the ropes. Shannon is up, so Matt kicks him down in the hip again. Referees are out to block Matt off. Wow, this was a partnership for the ages. Matt looks like he's snapped. Shannon: "Why?"

Backstage, Paul Heyman is here - and so is Kurt Angle, on crutches but with his belt on. "Are you sure you want to do this?" "Oh yeah." Heyman talks him up as Angle - well he doesn't walk but this might as well.

Here's another still of Angle hurt. Footage: "Later on in the show."

Next: Edge and Billy Kidman vs Los Guerreros for the WWE Tag Team Championship

XBOX Eddie beats Kidman with help from Chavo last Thursday

Los Guerreros (c, 441 pounds, El Paso, TX) vs WWE Cruiserweight Champion Thug Life Billy Kidman (Allentown, PA, 215 pounds) and you think you know Edge (T dot O, 241 pounds ) for the WWE Tag Team Championship (3rd Defense) - hey, he got to do the rrrrrrrrrrrrr. Cole flaunts his knowledge of Spanish holiday terms. I think there's a new rule that Chavo and Kidman will keep facing each other until someone's title changes hands. We do get a look at Jason Roberts during Kidman's entrance. Cole explains that Kidman got to choose whoever he wanted for his partner for this title match, so he picked Edge. Is Brock not here this week? I guess it makes sense because Edge has been champions so many times - that's the angle that Cole and Tazz take. I dunno why Kidman gets a title match in the first place, but whatever. Chavo and Eddie try to attack Billy and Edge while Brian Hebner holds up the belts, but he spots them and stops it. Kidman and Chavo will start out. Lockup, Kidman with a waistlock, Chavo manages to underarm armdrag Kidman into an elbow lock. Kidman up and behind with a hammerlock. Chavo elbows out, off the ropes into a hiptoss. Eddie in and the hiptoss looks not near as good - was Eddie dead weight there?. Kidman with a whip for Chavo, reversed, Chavo tosses Kidman up and over, into a dropkick on Eddie. Kidman with a spinning headscissors on Chavo. Whip, armdrag, armbar. Eddie wants in but Brian tells him to go back. Chavo with knees to escape but Kidman has punches for him. Whip, reversed, Eddie gets in the knee from the outside, Kidman turns and punches Eddie and Chavo sneaks in an ax-handle to take Kidman out. As Edge, Chavo and Brian argue, Eddie stomps Kidman on the outside. Chavo throws Kidman back in, stomping. Side backbreaker, hold and tag to Eddie for the Hilo. Eddie working him over with right hands and the point of his elbow. Back suplex, no Kidman lands on his feet, kick is caught, enziguri is not. Kidman needs the tag (already?) and Edge gets it - clothesline for Eddue, Clothesline for Eddie, whip, baaackdorp, baaackdrop for Chavo. "Cole, it's breaking down for Tulsa! ... I always wanted to say that, you know." Faceplant for Eddie and Edge is going up - but Chavo punches him. Superplex? Blocked - Edge is punching and pushing him off. Off the tope rope missile dropkick knocks Eddie into Chavo - Edge covers Eddie one two NO. Chavo back in - and he gets the flapjack. Edge looks at Chavo and Eddie dropkicks Edge's knee out. Lasso From El Paso - but Kidman in with a two handed bulldog to break it up. Chavo in - and he takes them both out with a clothesline. Eddie charges Edge - Edge tries for the flapjack again, but Eddie reverses into victory roll position, Edge opts not to bring back the Inner Fury and just drops Eddie neck first on the ropes. Eddie is stunned - SPEAR one two Chavo breaks it up. Chavo gets Eddie out, and it looks like he's going for the belts again. He's got the belts and he and Eddie are walking. One two three four five - anyway, Hebner relays a message to Jason Roberts: "Ladies and Gentleman, the referee has stated that if Los Guerreros do not get back to the ring by the count of ten, not only will they be disqualified, but they will also lose the WWE Tag Team Championships." He must've thought it was a neat idea when Choida did the same thing on Thanksgiving. (The writers surely did.) While the Guerreros discuss (Eddie would like to just leave, Chavo would like to keep his belt, Ultimo is wondering why he keeps losing to Dragon Kid), we go to break. (5:21)

We come back, with Edge giving Eddie a corner whip - corner charge, Eddie moves, Edge hits the buckle that bad shoulder, the buckle is unharmed. Quick tag to Chavo so he can quickly work on that shoulder with a dropkick. Stretching Edge's arm around the ropes. European uppercut one two. Chinlock, slowing this down. Fans get drawn into stomping to bring Edge back up and Edge starts to come back. He's powering up - back elbows out, off the ropes, ducks a Chavo clothesline and he hits the Edge-O-Matic, but he's too tired to cover for a two count. Chavo is laying a weird way there - okay, that's better. Both men are down and Edge needs to make that tag. So does Chavo, and he's just a bit quicker - tag to Eddie, and he bum rushes Kidman off the apron to prevent the tag. Right, tag to Chavo (back already?). Double whip, double clothesline but Edge ducks, double flapjack! Can he make that tag to Kidman now? He's close - yes! Kidman in - right for Eddie, clothesline for Chavo, clothesline for Eddie, dropkick for Chavo, fireman's carry into a neckbreaker. Cover one Eddie breaks it up. Back suplex works this time - he's feeling froggy, but Kidman's feeling like moving and Eddie gets mat. Edge back in - charging Eddie, but heading right back to the floor via backdrop. Kidman with a dropkick that knocks Eddie out of the ring, Chavo's clothesline misses on Kidman and Kidman hits the Short Powerbomb on him. Going up - Shooting Star Press HITS one two Eddie pulls out Hebner. Hebner calls for the bell (DQ, 3:30 since the break, 8:51 overall) though Kidman is wondering why he isn't double champion right now. Brian gets Jason again: "Ladies and Gentleman, the referee suspects that Los Guerreros are purposely trying to get disqualified. Therefore, this match will restart under the stipulation that there will be no disqualification!" Eddie and Chavo are beside themselves, they can't believe they have to do this a third time. Eddie and Chavo bring their belts back (only to drop them) and are up on the apron - DOUBLE SPEAR - Los Guerreros go flying into the barricade! Ring the bell! Kidman goes out and pulls Chavo in to beat him up with right hands. Whip, reversed, Kidman hits a baseball slide dropkick on Eddie instead of bouncing off the ropes. Chavo manages to take advantage of a distraction yet again by hitting a kick, but Kidman of course pulls off the powerbomb reversing faceslam. Pulling him into position and going up - probably the wrong corner to go up, yep, Eddie knocks Kidman off the top rope and to the floor. Edge doesn't like that and pulls Eddie in - right, right, right, right, right. Chavo is in with the belt and swings it at Edge, but Edge ducks it, kicks Chavo, and now he's got the belt. Belt to Chavo's head! No DQ! Edge leaves the ring - ah, he remembers that if we have legal people at this point, it's probably Chavo and Kidman, so he needs to go pick Billy off the floor. Kidman thrown in, crawling to the cover very very slowly one two NO Eddie breaks it up. Edge back in again with punches for Eddie - clothesline takes Eddie out, and Edge goes back to apron to beg for a tag. Kidman crawling towards his partner, very slowly. Edge is suddenly pulled off the apron - ah, it's A-Train. Shoulder backbreaker for Edge (no DQ!), and he's not gonna be able to accept that tag. Back in the ring, Chavo has a hold of Kidman's leg while Eddie goes up - Frog Splash! Chavo covers one two three. (2:23 since the restart, 11:14 overall) Replays - A-Train's interference, Eddie's frogsplash.

This Monday - Best of 2002. Cole and Tazz host.

Here's another still of Brock holding Angle up. Maybe it'll make more sense when you see "the unedited footage" - this is better than when Cole was calling it "exclusive" before.

Our hosts set up the footage (with the help of TV PG DLV).

So we see the last :07 or so of SmackDown, then post SmackDown footage. Which starts off with Angle, Heyman and Show just standing around a bunch while Brock is still down. A Brock chant goes no where. Angle taunts him some more. Then he picks up Brock - but Brock's dead weight. Brock chant again as Angle pulls him up - right hand to Brock's head. Stomp. Stomp. This is all weirdly mic-ed, or maybe it's just the lack of announcers giving it a different feel. It sure does feel a lot like "this is something that happened after the show" than "we just didn't have time to show this". More stomping. Paul's on the apron and ready to go here. Or maybe taunt. Someone give him back his cap, please. Show wants to stomp and does a few but Angle wants him by himself. Heyman hates Brock, don't you know. Angle is pulling up Brock in the corner again. Right - is blocked and Brock knocks him down with one of his own. Charge at Show and lots of shoulders to the big ol' midsection. Right hands and a big clothesline to take him out. Hard clothesline for Angle, and Brock rips off his own shirt. Heyman took off as soon as he saw Brock was back in this. Kick kick kick kick kick kick kick boot choke in the corner. Brock's still working on him as Show very slowly comes over the top rope with a chair - so Brock kicks the ropes to crotch him, then knocks him out of the ring with a chair. Angle charges right into a chair shot himself, and ends up of the ring. Angle ends up outside of the ring, so Brock follows - and gives him a shot to the chest. Now it's the other guy who's doing the trash talking - forearm to the back of the neck, picking him up for the F5, asking the fands if they want it, and spinning him into the ringpost, knee first! "OH MY KNEE! OH MY KNEE YOU SON OF A B[BLEEP]!]" Angle is in extreme pain and Brock stands over him. Meanwhile, the fans starting chanting "one more time". Replays from three different angles (they normally do replays after shows?) - hearing Angle starting screaming each time is a bit haunting. Brock starts to make a move up the ramp to get Heyman, but Heyman's backing away at the top of the stage, with the title belt in hand. Crowd is loudly chanting for Brock. Brock: "Get me some referees!" They're out, checking on Angle. Brock is still on the ramp, watching this, as the EMTs stream by. Angle yells "it's torn, I can feel it, it's torn!" and Brock walks back over to Angle. Angle is defenseless, and the referees get out of the way. Brock drags Angle around a little bit, and picks him up to his feet by his tights. Angle can't even put the bad leg down. Brock's picking Angle up again - and a kneebreaker on the barricade! "MY TITLE!" Brock looks at him as he walks backwards up the ramp. Angle yells for someone to get Brock out of here, and it seems as though he might just be leaving this time. They play his music, so he probably is. We continue to check on Angle - I think it's Brian who asks him if he can stand up, but it looks like he can't put weight on that leg. They pretty much carry him up the ramp. (7:48)

Tonight: #1 Contenders Match - Big Show vs Chris Benoit.

SmackDown Live
Next Thursday - Albuquerque, NM
Next Friday - San Francisco, CA
Next Saturday - Fairbanks, AK
Next Sunday - Anchorage, AK
1/7 - Tuscan, AZ

As we return, Paul Heyman is already in the ring. This is the third one of these tonight so no. Paul blames Stephanie for forcing Angle to reveal his partnership, and asks for no "you suck" chants as Angle enters. Guess what they chant when Kurt Angle's music plays? Does Paul's tie glow in the dark? Wow this is gonna take forever with him limping like that. The ramp isn't much of a ramp this week - all flat. Hey, it did take forever. Angle says Brock is a deranged animal, and only succeeded in the WWE because of Paul. Also, Angle's got one thing Brock never will - a gold medal. "Who sucks now?" Crowd: "YOU SUCK" Brock's jealous of Kurt. Kurt doesn't see why Brock is mad at him for signing an agent. He's important and needs an agent, unlike the people in the crowd. Brock knows he can never be the champion Kurt is - that's why he "tore ever freaking ligament in my knee, a week before Christmas!" Angle promises to defend the title at the Rumble against Big Show or Benoit, but NEVER EVER against Brock. And if Brock ever gets in his face again, one knee or not, "I will take you down like the punk you are." Paul lets Angle know that Brock will never have a chance to do this again - he's got a contingency plan: Team Angle. Angle's music plays and out comes - hey, Shelton and Charlie, I know these people. Paul does the introductions - wearing matching Kurt Angle knock off outfits, we have "multi-time All American from Seton Hall University, and a wrestler that is going to be crafted in the very image of my Olympic hero, Kurt Angle, I present to you sir, Charlie Haas. And just to make it personal to Brock Lesnar, from the University of Minnesota, Brock Lesnar's former teammate and now your teammate, Brock Lesnar's former roommate and the one man on the college circuit that took Brock Lesnar down to the mat at will every single time he wanted, multi-time All American, Shelton Benjamin." They're your Team Angle. Angle, of course, loves this. Angle thinks this is a great X-Mas present. He can tell already, these people aren't like Brock or the fans, they do have respect. Angle says wrestling is a game of human chess, and then starts to talk about his twenty glorious years. That's that. Angle gives up his crtuches so he can raise his teammates arms.

I'd think about holding my breath until they explained how Shelton got from Heat to SmackDown! but I like breathing. Actually I could make up some story about each side having 3 month contracts to see if a developmental person is worth a full time deal, and Shelton just wasn't picked up at the end of his by Eric, but they don't pay me to do their continuity. Either way, I'm guessing it's no longer all about the Benjamins.

Clearsil Rikishi attacks Rappers

Funaki, SmackDown #1 Announcer reminds us off the wedding, next week, LIVE on SmackDown! Funaki's standing by outside the Women's Locker Room to ask Torrie if she's coming to the wedding.

B-2 (w/John Cena, 326 pounds) vs Rikishi (350 pounds) - Cena's talking here but I'm so done with all of this. He's still wearing that Lugz T-Shirt. Ah, he explains that it's not that Mr. Buchanan keeps changing his nickname, he's just a man with many many nicknames. B-2: "BOOYAH!" Wow, yea, I'm blowing this one off too. Three in-ring interview bits, three matches, but only one worthwhile, it must be a holiday show! Do you believe that there's only a 24 pound difference between these two? We get some fighting outside the ring before this one starts. Cole wonders where Brock is tonight - the rumor is that Stephanie has enforced some sort of cooling off period (aka a suspension without the in-ring segment to set it up), but if Cole waited till the last half hour to bring this up, I don't think he really cares. Cena joins the announcers - he's better than Cat already. Cena doesn't stick around long, because he's got to save B-2 from the Stinkface rather quick. Cena comes back to explain that Bull was playing Rope a Dope. Bull holds up Rikishi so Cena can trash talk him on microphone, but it ends up with Bull's head into the desk. Rikishi throws Bull in, but turns back for Cena, who's playing innocent, and decides to go back in. Wow that's not a good backdrop to the floor. I hope Kidman turns and joins Cena and B-2 just so they can use his music. After they spill out in front of the desk again, Cena wants to use his chair but he's stopped by Mike Sparks. Cena gives up the chair, Sparks goes to put it away, and Cena throws the chain to Bill. Punches are ducked, Rikishi hits the Superkick. Rump Shaker. (2:22) I wait for Cena to attack Rikishi from behind but...

Funaki has caught up to Torrie Wilson: "Well Funaki, I really don't know. You know, I really thought that my father would've come to my senses by now. I just do not understand how he does not see how manipulative Dawn Marie is." On saying Al breaking her heart: "Well...", hey look at Al. He wants to know if Torrie ever wonders about what Al wants. What about him, what about RAVEN. What about my fast forward button

Backstage, Los Guerreros notice a jealous duo - Cena and B-2. "It's that guy who think he's a rapper." Haha they're talking in Spanish in front of them. I have no idea what anyone is saying here. Chavo: Let's not turn this into an East Coast/West Coast" thing. El Paso is West Coast? Eddie does his Cena voice. Chavo beats him with his impression! That's unexpected. They walk off, Cena and B-2 (who said stuff but nothing as good) are mad and I fear the title match.

Tough Enough One's Josh Matthews stands by with Chris Benoit: "Chris Benoit, earlier you confronted the Big Show, and a few minutes from now, you'll be meeting him in the ring. You're thoughts?" "The 7 foot, 500 pound Big Show, earlier tonight, I showed him that size does not mean a damn thing to me. And in just a few minutes, I'm gonna go out there and prove it, by becoming the #1 contender to face Kurt Angle for the WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble. And at the Royal Rumble, after I beat Kurt Angle, for the Championship, that Championship that I've never had, the Championship that I've trained for, that I've sacrificed, that I live for, the WWE Championship! Kurt Angle may be a protected champion, but if there's one thing in life that I'm sure, if there's one thing that I believe in, it's that I am better than Kurt Angle. And after I beat the Big Show tonight, I'll prove it to Kurt, I'll prove it to myself, and I'll prove it to everyone else, once again. You know, I don't say this in arrogance - it is a fact. It's true. It's DAMN true."

In the locker room, Angle gives Big Show a pep speech. Angle will be there in spirit.

Chris Benoit (Edmonton, AL, 229 pounds) vs Big Show (w/Paul Heyman, 500 pounds, Earlier Tonight) in a #1 Contenders Match for the WWE Championship, Winner Gets A Title Shot At Royal Rumble - Cole again says "Brock may not be here". Benoit attacks Big Show as he comes in and it's on. Dropkick, kick, kick and pushed down by Show. Benoit right back after him, kick, kick, kick, shoved down. Show misses a clothesline, Benoit chops him twice but a third is blocked an he's thrown into the corner. Big open hand slap. Show with another massive open hand slap. Big biel. Big boot. Talking trash. Show: "Shut up, fat boy!" Show picks up Benoit, Benoit goes for the armbar takedown into the Crossface but Show blocks it, and lifts Benoit up into the corner. Press slam and he's dropped behind. Kick to the ribs. Replay of the press slam. Kick. Standing on his chest. Typical Show speed. Kick to the ribs. Corner whip, Benoit goes in chest first. Show yells at Benoit as he gets up - corner whip, and Benoit rebounds back into Show's grasp - but spins around and starts to kick away at the big man. Chops, big right hand by Show is ducked and Benoit is trying to pull him down for the Crossface but Show won't go - big sidewalk slam one two NO. Corner whip chest first again. Now Show's taking off the top turnbuckle for no particular reason. Well he's gonna run into it later, but otherwise no particular reason. Open hand slap, kick, kick, kick. Stomp. Boot choke. Corner whip, Benoit slides down (preventing him from going chest first into the corner) to the floor. Benoit walks away from the ring as Show slowly follows. Benoit is in first, Show follows and is stomped into the mat. Show manages to get to his feet while Benoit's working on him, but Benoit manages to dropkick him in the knee to take him back down. Another kick to the chest, off the ropes, and a kick to the head. Benoit going for a waistlock but no way - okay, while we're gonna call that a German Suplex, it was clearly Benoit getting Show up a little and falling backwards (mostly due to Show jumping) and then getting the heck out of the way. Thumb across the neck and he's going up. Heyman's trying to rally Show but the Swandive Headbutt hits (safest landing yet as he kinda just lands chest first on Show's mighty belly - more a splash than anything) one two NO big kickout. Announcer note the splash aspect of that. Benoit pulling himself up, Show charges, Benoit moves and Show goes right into the exposed turnbuckle. Chop, chop, Show Goozle CHOK-no Benoit with a headlock takedown into a pin (with feet on the ropes) one two THREE (6:50) Show can't believe that was three and wisely splits town. Heyman is yelling on the apron - Show drops the straps and waits for Benoit to get back up - CHOKESL-CROSSFACE! Show's tapping! Team Angle hits the ring to break that up - Haas with punches and holds Benoit in a waistlock as Shelton sets up - Superplex/German Suplex combo! Haas tells Shelton go go all the way off to go up - powerbomb lift/off the top rope inverted bulldog! That was a Malekno/Benoit move, right? Haas ties up Benoit in something not that far away from a Lasso - Benoit yells and taps out as Shelton stomps him. Show is back up and wants more - Team Angle holds him up and there's your CHOKESLAM. Show kept him up extra long. Team Angle pulls Benoit out of the ring and drags him up to the stage. Crowd: "We Want Brock!" but I don't thing he's coming. Ah, they're holding Benoit so Kurt Angle can trash talk without having to limp out. Benoit kicks at him, so Show nails him with a boot. Angle with a crutch choke - Benoit is out, but he's still the #1 contender.

That's it.



SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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