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Rock has Vince's Back
February 3, 2003

by The Cubs Fan


  • Rey Mysterio Jr. vs A-Train
    • Obviously, this is a rematch of their match from 12/05/02 that put Rey on the shelf.
    • A-Train's shoulder backbreaker is the Train Wreck.
    • Rey's pre-match attack goes moderately well, and the battle outside for about :10 before the official bell.
    • A-Train turns it around by catching a quebrada.
    • A-Train's added "clubbing blows while opponent is on the mat" to hi animal act.
    • Retroactively, A-Train had a great fight against the Undertaker last week.
    • Rey tricks A-Train to go out and beats him coming in.
    • Reverse into a Derailer gets a 2 count, so I guess that's now only a trademark.
    • Rey again goes out to stall (after the slingshot into the middle rope) and take back control, but A-Train brings him in this time.
    • A-Train pulls out an elevated full nelson, similar to the elevated chicken wing Jazz has been using.
    • 619 is met with a bicycle kick, and then the Train Wreck. (3:32)
    • Match was reverse of what you'd expect
      • Rey was in control (or battling back) most of the time, with A-Train getting in a sudden spot every so often.
      • Nothing bad, but forgettable
    • Announcers push Rey as giving up lots of weight here, and this not being over. 
  • Josh talks to Paul backstage
    • Big Show is not here tonight.
  • Tag Team Champion Eddie Guerrero (w/Chavo Guerrero) vs John Cena (w/Redd Dogg)
    • Guerreros have Cheat 2 Win shirts, nice looking.
    • The Redd Dogg name switch that didn't make TV seems to be off for now. 
    • Eddie seems have his wrists taped more than usual. 
    • Guerreros the faces, though they still cheated. 
      • Eddie got the punch comeback, with Cole saying "Oscar De La Hoya".
      • Nice sized Eddie chant twice. Maybe it's the green and yellow tights.
    • Cena looks as good as he has, but not really bringing the pre-match charisma to the match. 
    • Each second interfered twice, with Chavo's shove to Cena being the deciding factor.
    • Frog Splash (5:53)
    • It seemed like they could end this story right here - wasn't clear if this was it or not.
  • Paul talks to the Show on the phone and forms a plan.
    • He introduces himself to Brian Kendrick ("trained by Shawn Michaels" dropped)
    • Brian says he'd do anything to make it in this business.
    • Paul has a job for him - but we don't see.
  • Stephanie and Vince talk
    • Vince isn't happy about Hogan.
  • Shannon Moore (w/Matt Hardy) vs WWE Cruiserweight Champion Billy Kidman - non-title match
    • Shannon is coming out to Matt's entrance now. Or at least when Matt is there.
    • Facts: Matt thinks Shannon has an Iota of Mattitude, and he was the longest surviving SmackDown superstar in the Rumble.
    • Matt's still berating Shannon on the way to the ring.
    • Incoming stories:
      • Shannon is trying to prove himself to Matt
      • Kidman really has nothing to do
      • maybe this is carry over from last week's Velocity (Kidman/Matt)?
    • Tazz starts singing Highway To Hell - as a tease to Vince's upcoming surprise? Or complete randomness.
    • Typical Kidman match without the left arm sell (the back comes into play a bit) 
      • Shannon does a good job of fleshing out his move set.
    • Kidman does hit a nice dropkick, though.
    • Shannon kicks out of the Short Powerbomb.
    • Top rope superplex is pushed off, Matt is kicked away, and Kidman hits the SSP (5:51)
    • Matt punks out Kidman post match - Twist of Fate. Seems like there's something there.
    • Matt doesn't attack Shannon, but tells him to leave forcefully.
    • For a guy who "can't get over as a heel", there's a huge "Hardy sucks!" chant when Matt decides to come back for more.
    • Second Twist of Fate. Double VERSION ONE.
  • Vince McMahon's big announcement: (in ring)
    • Vince talks up Hulkamania under the guise of bashing it. More transparent than usual.
    • It's the "Vince created Hulkamania" bit.
    • Vince announces Hogan vs the Rock for No Way Out
    • Vince gives us the Rock via Satellite. 
    • Definite mixed reaction for the Rock. He's got NO HAIR. He really shouldn't be calling Hogan bald looking like that.
    • Rock teases a turn and pulls back.
    • Crowd still chants along.
    • Rock is oddly looking slight to the right of the camera through out the piece
    • Rock mocks Hogan a bit.
    • Well it's in Montreal, I think we all know the finish.
    • Anyway, he accepts.
    • Cole doesn't drop that Hogan isn't here till the next segment.
  • Rikishi vs Bill DeMott
    • Rubber match, based on the last two matches. We get clips of both of those.
    • DeMott's arm is still taped. Arm didn't seem as debilitating this week.
    • Rikishi opts not to do the Stinkface, because this is business.
    • DeMott blocks a DDT and extremely obviously grabs the ropes while pinning to get a three count (3:56)
    • Last week was better, and the horribly pathetic finish hurts it. 
      • His body might have blocked the refs view but we were never given that angle.
    • Post match, Undertaker's music plays, and he nearly runs over DeMott on the way to the ring. 
      • Any impact of the win (not that there really was much) is shuffled out.
    • We transition into
  • Undertaker in-ring interview
    • Taker calls out Big Show again
    • This stretches through a break
    • Taker talks and talks about a new philosophy of "Shut up and Fight."
    • He talks some more.
    • Show's music plays - but it's just Heyman.
    • Heyman has a personal message for Show
    • He sends down Brian, in Usher's outfit, on a girl's bike with bells and tassles.
      • The bells keep ringing when Brian has stopped riding, so I guess they're over the sound system.
      • Brian (who's wearing a wireless mic) delivers - a singing apology from the Show
      • Brian does not a have a future on Broadway, I think.
    • Undertaker promises to kill Show anyway.
    • Brian asks for a tip, Taker gives him credit for guts, and gives him a $100.
    • Taker ask him to sing one more time. Last Ride. Taker takes back his tip.
    • Not even a hint about the mask angle, in case you were wondering.
  • Kurt Angle gives his charges a pep speech
    • They answer back with Kurt Angle praise.
    • Group hug.
  • No Brock - his speech from last week is given the video package treatment
  • Team Angle (w/Captain Kurt Angle) vs Edge and Chris Benoit for a WWE tag team title shot next week (#1 Contenders)
    • New matching workout clothes.
    • Angle joins on commentary
    • TA dominate on Benoit early.
    • Guerreros are seen watching on a monitor backstage.
    • Cole actually asks if Team Angle deserve to be in this spot.
    • Benoit rallies back on a Snake Eyes.
    • Hot tag to Edge - Angle take a spear off the apron in the chaos. 
    • Edge knocks Haas out of the ring, Shelton knocks Edge out, Benoit drops Shelton with a German then hits a missile tope on Haas.
    • Edge gets a near fall on a delayed cover after a missile dropkick, and we go to break
    • Benoit is in control on Shelton as we return. 
    • Edge pulls out a reverse cross armbreaker, working the arm to open up Shelton for the Crossface. 
    • Shelton manages to tag out to Haas, but Edge takes over on him. 
    • Tag to Benoit, who also works over the left arm. 
    • Hammerlock Northern Lights Suplex for two. More shoulder work and a tag to Edge.
    • Haas gets a short comeback but Edge takes back over. 
    • Story is that even Edge is out mat wrestling Team Angle. 
    • Haas gets a mini-comeback on Benoit, but Benoit hooks on the Crossface - Haas gets to the ropes before it's locked in.
    • Edge back in, and Haas manages to reverse a charge out of the corner into the overhead belly to belly
    • Haas opts not to tag in, and Edge rallies out of the corner, till Shelton trips him from the floor.
    • Shelton gets the tag in and works on the left knee of Edge
    • Long leg hold by Shelton, though Edge and him mange to keep it heated. 
    • Haas tags in for a turn. Edge hits a hard slap to get out of the hold, then kicks Haas away.
    • Edge tries to make to his corner but takes a drop toe hold. Shelton back in. 
    • Both Shelton and Haas use angled figure fours as Angle tells them to break the leg.
    • Edge grabs the ropes to get out from a Shelton's, but Haas is right back in.
    • Noticeably, the work on the shoulders by the faces from earl have warn off.
    • Angle gets in a couple cheap shots from the outside.
    • Shelton pulls out a normal figure four. 
    • Benoit breaks it up with a dropkick, but Haas is in to pick up for Shelton with the same hold.
    • Edge manages to turn it over and get to the ropes. Haas pulls him up by the leg and gets kicked.
    • Edge crawls for the tag - Haas makes his first and Shelton pulls Edge back by the leg.
    • Edge tries the enziguri again but it's ducked - a roll manages to knock Shelton into the corner, and the tag to Benoit is made.
    • Back elbows, kick snap suplexes (Haas dropped on to Shelton for a 2). 
    • Angle grabs Benoit's feet to slow hi momentum. Haas and Shelton use the GDI elevated sit for a 2 count.
    • Haas hits a nice sliding dropkick to keep Edge at bay.
    • The superkick/German suplex combo on Benoit goes bad, and Shelton takes the German train.
    • Benita goes for a swandive headbutt, Angle goes to the apron, Edge with a dropkick to the shins to take him down and the swandive hits - for 2.
    • Haas is thrown out and the Crossface is on Shelton, but Haas breaks it up.
    • Benoit shoves Haas into a spear,
    • Angle cracks Benoit with the belt, and Shelton covers for 3. (3:27 before the break, 11:28 after it, 14:55 total)
    • Edge was out on the mat after the spear. Team Angle celebrates meeting the Guerreros next week.
    • Guerreros seem confident..
    • Really good match, though Team Angle still are learning.



SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
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RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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