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The Road to... Backlash?
March 28, 2003

by Big Danny T.
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


It's UPN Thursday night. Are you ready? Smackdown is RIGHT NOW!

WWE leader beings us right into "The Beautiful People." Pyro, and we are Live! From the HP Pavilion in San Jose, Ca, and it's just 3 Days to Wrestlemania!

Rey kicks us right off with some tag team action. His partner? Brian Kendrick with some "Spanking" new music. Get it!? We get a shot of Brian Kendrick’s win from last week over Shannon Moore with Rey's help.

Their opponents are Shannon Moore and the Cruiserweight Champion, Matt Hardy (Tonight’s Matt facts: Mattitude will make Wrestlemania a success, and Matt is very humble.)

Shannon and Brian start, and Shannon is pissed over last Thursday. He takes it right to Brain, punches, kicks, pin attempt, gets two. Shannon tries for a Powerbomb, but Rey runs in and dropkicks Shannon into a Brian 'rana. Tag to Rey, another dropkick to Shannon’s head. Pin gets two. Rey works over Shannon, Shannon gets away, tag Matt in, Matt runs right into a Rey kick to the face. Tag to Brian, Rey hip tosses him into a sunset flip! Matt kicks out after two though, and gets up to dominate. Tag to Shannon, some NC Violence, Tag back to Matt, Mat sets up and hits a crucifix powerbomb. Pin attempt is interrupted by a Rey dropkick. Flippy floppy action follows with Rey getting tagged in. Matt takes over from here. Rey plays face in peril for a second, but a blind tag allows a sweet springboard Tornado DDT coming in from Brian. Matt on the defensive as Brian flies all over him. Rey tries to help, but is dragged out by Shannon. Shannon jumps in, Acid Drop for him. Matt surprised Brian tho, and hits the Twist of fate. 1-2-3, welcome to jobber heaven, Brian. Shannon back up to assist in the post match beat down, but Rey is up to throw Matt out, knock Shannon down, 6-1-9, West Coast pop! Matt is back in to deliver another Twist of fate for Rey, then talk trash.

Backstage, Hogan is walking and OMG! We haven’t seen this person since WCW folded! That’s right, Hogan is in the house, and he's got his son with him! Oh yeah, and a very haggard Jimmy Hart is with them too, playing babysitter.

“20 years in the Making” Sound bite from Rowdy Roddy Piper. Apparently Hogan and Vince wanted to make each other, but nobody told each other that. Roddy draws the comparison to jilted lovers, and cackles.

Back from commercials, and we get the ultra condensed version of the review of the contract signing from last Thursday. Hehe, they edit in "Psycho" stabbing noises while Vince stabbed Hogan in the head.

Some Voodoo Chile, and Hogan is out playing the magical air guitar to the delight of the fans. You know, Sunday, I just want Hogan to do one DDT. Just one.

Hogan in the ring and soaking up the crowd reaction. As the entire front row Salaams, he has the, "I STILL can't believe this is happening!" look on his face. Hogan Speaks! "You bet your ass Vince fears Hulkamania!" Hogan has been his friend and business partner for well over 20 years (Unless you count that whole 7 year span with WCW and such.) He knows people sometimes think Vince is a genius, but Hogan knows he's an Evil genius. He goes over his screw job at NWO, and his contract signing from last week. He questions whether he should have put his career on line at WM, but he did, and he'll keep his word. But he knows in his heart that he'll be appearing on Smackdown again. He promises that the street fight at WM is going to be a fight like we've never seen before, and that we'll be seeing a Hulk Hogan that we've never seen before (ooo, I might get that DDT! Or, dare I hope: Lucha Hogan?) He goes on to promise that Hulkamania will live forever.

Viva La Rasa! Eddie (w/ Chavo) is out to take on Charlie Haas (w/ Shelton). Lockup, Eddie grabs a waistlock. Eddie with a quick cover, kicks out. They trade covers for a few seconds, and they break up. Lockup, forced to the ropes, they break, and Charlie eats a dropkick. Eddie with a shoulderblock. Charlie comes back with a Hammerlock and hangman’s his arm on the top rope. Charlie works the left arm. Eddie thrown out. Charlie works the arm on the ring post. Eddie hip tossed back in on the bad arm. Charlie picks Eddie up in a stiff arm by the bad arm, then slams him down. Cover, Eddie kicks out. Charlie grabs a standing arm bar, digging the knee into the shoulder. Eddie powers up, and hits a back suplex. Eddie with some stiff rights, and a back body drop. Eddie hits a kind of Thesz press/back rollover into a pin, Charlie kicks out. Charlie back up and working on the arm again. Hits a hammerlock suplex into a pin. Eddie kicks out. Charlie Picks Eddie up for a slam, but Eddie surprises him with a victory roll into a pin. Eddie bails as Shelton chases, and Los Guererros head for the hills.

Backstage, Josh catches up with John Cena. John is back, on his way to the ring, and tonights the night he calls Lesnar out! Something tells me this has bad idea written all over it.

Up Next, the colossus of Boggo road makes his in ring Debut! Nathan Jones gets to squash... I mean, have a match with Chuck Palumbo.

Before we go to commercial, we get video of the FBI walking around the streets of New York. Chuck disappears down an alley to 'take care of some business.' When he returns they joke about how people should be more careful around stairs.

Returning from commercial, and Brock has bag in hand as he arrives. Josh catches up to him, and informs him of John’s words from earlier. Brock isn't worried about him; all he's concerned about is winning the title at Wrestlemania.

Cut to Undertaker, and he knocks on Nathan door. He answers all breathless. 'Taker tells him he's up next for his match against Chuck. Nathan: "What for? I've already had it!" Undertaker opens the door to see Chuck sprawled out, apparently the victim of Nathan’s rage. 'Taker chuckles to himself, then takes Nathan off to discuss the good and the bad of what he just did.

Tazz and Cole hype '20 years in the making' and announce that the match was just made a street fight. Wasn't it made a street fight a few weeks ago when Vince first challenged Hogan? We cut to the Rocky package of Vince training for the match. He beats up on Bruce Pritchard to get the point across that he's an evil sunuvabitch.

Backstage, be find Nidia and Jamie Knoble walking. They pass a blowup of the Torrie Wilson Playboy cover. Nidia asks Jamie who's prettier, hilarity ensues. Nidia promises to tear Torrie's pretty face up.

Elsewhere, Torrie sucks on a lollipop, and then makes her way to the ring.

Tonight’s Wrestlemania moment is Roddy Piper getting smoke blown in his face by Morton Downy Jr. When he won't stop, Morton gets the first ever fire extinguisher spot! God damn that was a funny segment^_^

Back from commercial, and we get video of the Torrie issue press conference at the Playboy mansion yesterday.

Back to present day, and it's time for the chicks to get it on!

Nidia attacks to start, grabbing Torrie by the hair, and throwing her out of the ring. Nidia poses in the ring, then goes out for a chair. Torrie comes in from the other side of the ring and hits a baseball slide, knocking her silly. Back in the ring, Torrie commences with the Knife Edges, and covers for 2. Nidia comes back, getting some offense in. Torrie comes back with a swinging neck breaker. Pin is distracted by Jamie on the apron. Torrie up to slap him off the apron. As she picks Nidia back up, Nidia comes back with some offense. It’s all for naught, tho, and Torrie hits a tornado DDT, and the cover gets 3! Jamie chases Torrie off, and Torrie smiles up the ramp.

Backstage, A-Train and Big Show share some manly slaps as they run into Nathan Jones. Nathan doesn't know what to do, but Big Show and A-Train aren't going to start anything tonight, they will dance at Wrestlemania. They walk off making comments about Nathan’s prison time, Nathan seethes.

We get the return of the Sean O'Hare devil promo! This time, he's telling us to eat what we want. Forget that overly processed slop that the health nuts are pushing on you. Looks like they are going for "Push: Take 2!" with this whole thing.

Back from Commercial, A-Train and Big Show are out to take on Chris Benoit and Rhyno!

Rhyno and A-Train start. Lockup, Rhyno shoved to the ropes, they fight for dominance in the corner. Rhyno breaks free and lays in with the rights. A-Train grabs him and reverses, laying in the beat down himself. They trade knife-edges, and then Rhyno spears him in the corner. Tag to Benoit, and Benoit lays in with the chops. A-Train comes back with a shoulderblock, but big fat splash misses. Benoit tries to capitalize, but A-Train elbows him down. Tag to Big Show, who corners him in the corner. Benoit tries to escape a couple times, then dodges a big haymaker and lays in with some chops, but Big Show grabs for the choke slam. Benoit tries to reverse into a crossface, but Big Show shrugs him off and slaps him down. Benoit ties to be quick, but Big Show continues the big beat down. Slapping him around, standing on him, Head butt sends him flying. Tag to A-Train, He comes in with a big Back Breaker. He bullies Benoit around, lays some kicks in, and then locks in a reverse full nelson on his back while standing. A-Train releases him, and then covers, but Benoit is under the ropes. A-Train picks him up, whips him to the corner, charges, but eats a Benoit boot! Benoit out, hits a German suplex that shakes the ring! Benoit struggles for the tag, gets it! Rhyno in and instantly takes Big Show out, knocking him off the apron. Rhyno all over A-Train. Big Show tries to come in, but Rhyno has a spear in the corner for him. A-Train gets the drop on Rhyno, tho, beats him down, and tosses him. As the big guys prepare to go after him, Nathan Jones is out, with fisticuffs a-plenty! But Big and A-Train are two, and he is but one, so they start to get the better of him, until Undertaker is out to join the fun! They send the heels scattering, play 'Takers music, Heels retreat, faces stand victorious.

Backstage, Angle looks for Brock. Break for commercial.

This weekend on Confidential: the Hogan/McMahon story according to Jimmy Hart. This must be the proverbial 3rd side to the story.

Back, and Angle has found Brock. They have a lot alike; they have been champions, both amateur, and professional. But let's face it, Brock is just a kid. A 25-year-old Rookie. This Sunday at Wrestlemania, The bar will be raised. This match will change the face of professional wrestling, because the two of them are the best pro wrestling has to offer. Angle wants to know if Brock thinks that this match is worth it, because Kurt is going to give Brock all he's got. And if ending Brocks career is what it takes to win the match, then Kurt is willing to do it.

Brock isn't intimidated. He shoots right back that hell yeah, he's ready for whatever Angle has. Yeah, Brock is just a Kid; he's a 295-pound kid that is ready for his first Wrestlemania. Oh yeah, and he'll be bringing the pain!

Cole and Tazz go over the card for Wrestlemania.

From here, we get another video package of Vince doing weight training for Wrestlemania, inter-cut with shots of Vince taking Hogan down last Thursday.

Up next, Chavo Guererro takes on Shelton Benjamin.

20 years in the making retrospective: Mean Gene talks about the contributions of both men, but he gives the slight edge to Hogan.

The Miller Lite Catfight girls fight over what aspect of Wrestlemania they like better: the action or the drama. The Winner? The Fans!

Back to the arena, Shelton Benjamin is out to take on Chavo Guererro.

Circle, lockup, Chavo with the waist lock, Shelton with a hammerlock, Chavo escapes. They circle again, Shelton sneaks a knee to the gut, tries offense, gets interrupted by a Chavo uppercut. Chavo hits the spinning leg scissors. Dropkick to the head, pin gets two. Chavo taking to Shelton, Shelton reverses by sending Chavo sky high. Shelton picks the left knee as his body part of choice this match, and starts working on it. In the corner, Chavo fights out, but Charlie up to deliver a knee to the gut. Shelton takes advantage and works the leg some more, locking in a sideways figure four. Chavo makes the rope; Shelton breaks, slams the knee and simply locks it in again. Chavo punches his way out, both men up, Chavo goes for the small package, Shelton kicks out. Boot to the head and Chavo is down again. Shelton picks up the leg and works the knee over again, getting a sick looking spinning leg drop on it. Locking in the sideways figure 4 again, but Chavo punches out, then grabs Shelton for a cover, gets two. Chavo tries again, only gets two. Shelton back, Chavo gets a victory roll, Shelton flails for balance. Charlie up on the apron to grab him to keep him from falling over. Eddie up behind to yoink Charlie down and make him eat ring post. Shelton falls, but rolls through and reverses into a pin on Chavo. Chavo kicks out. Shelton Picks Chavo up, tries some offense, but Chavo surprises him with a small package, and 1-2-3 Chavo wins! Eddie in the ring to help celebrate, but Benoit and Rhyno appear at the top of the ramp. Los Guererros don't know what to do, but they are taken out by Team angle with the belts. Benoit and Rhyno hit the ring. GORE! for Shelton. Crossface for Charlie. Rhyno pulls Benoit off and they stand above all.

Backstage, Cena is ready. He wraps the chain around his fist and heads to the ring.

Back from commercial, and John Cena is out, with new hardcore entrance music. All these wrestlers with new music. Must be a new album coming out.

His opponent tonight is Rikishi. Ahh, unfinished business. Cena attacks while Rikishi is coming in. Cena goes vicious with the knees and the elbows. Rikishi back knocking him down and out of the ring. Rikishi follows, but John reverses a whip to ram Rikishi into the steps. Cena rips the padding off the barrier, and rams Rikishi into it. Rolling Rikishi back in, he ties Rikishi up with his arms and legs. Rikishi losing consciousness, but wait! No! He's back up! Elbows to the gut. Rights to the head, big clothesline. Butt drop misses. Cena off the ropes, going for the victory roll, Rikishi no sells, then Cena dodges the butt drop again, but eats a savate kick. Rikishi signals for the corner squash, Cena moves tho. Cena all over Rikishi, Ref tries to break it up, takes a bump for his troubles. Cena goes for the Chain, wraps his fist, Gives Rikishi the blow to the dome! Chain dumped, cover, Ref recovers, counts 1! 2! No! Cena can't believe it. Dragging Rikishi up. Grabs him in a fireman’s carry. We wonder what he's going to do, and then he hits the Death Valley Driver. Pin, 1-2-3! Cena back up, grabs a mic. He's had enough waiting around, and wants to deliver some pain to Brock. No answer, tho, so John goes to find him on his own, and we break for commercial at 5 minutes to the hour.

Fred Durst shills his appearance at WM. Ahh, I love living in Tidewater. Both the modern rock stations have a boycott on all Limp Bizket music, because they cancelled a concert literally at the last minute, leaving something like 40 contest winners and 4 people who were going to go backstage hanging out to dry. One of the commercials in response to the cancellations went, "Fred Durst is a dirty donkey jumper!"

20 years: Ah-Nuld shills Wrestlemania.

Backstage, Cena looks for Brock and finds him! They brawl, Brock gets the upper hand, but Angle is there with a 2X4 to lay Brock out. "Never, Brock! Never!" We fade out with Brock writhing in pain.

All right, I don't know what it was last week, maybe the War going on, maybe the gloomy weather, maybe a lack of sleep, but Smackdown simply didn't do it for me. This week, however, everything was done right, and all the final pieces were put in place for Wrestlemania. Thoroughly enjoyable show. Entertainment, wise, I'll give both shows a tie this week. As for me, see you at Hooters for Wrestlemania!



SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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