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Celebrating in Style
February 13, 2004

by Big Danny T.
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


Ahhh Valentines Day! That time of year when young lovers get to sicken us all with their overly gushy displays of public affection. So much so that you want to grab a chair wrapped in barbed wire, set it on fire, and bash every turtledove in sight!

Ok, maybe not, but there is another reason to celebrate the week of February 14th. Yup, that's right! This Recap that is currently taking up bandwidth on your computers modem marks the one-year anniversary of the week that The Rick gave this scrappy young Internet hopeful his shot. So how am I going to celebrate? By doing what I always do: bring you Smackdown in my own inimitable style. Maybe next week I'll do a little something special, but this week, I'm too busy getting ready for Katsucon, so this will have to do.

Before getting started, tho, I'd like to thank a couple people:

Rick "The Rick" Scaia: for giving me this shot and giving me the biggest ego boost I've had in recent memory.

To my friends: You guys have supported me all this time, and for that I thank you. It's always cool when one of you comes up and says, 'Dude, I loved your reference in the recap yesterday!"

To my fans: All 4 of you, You rule.

To my non-fans: Thank you for never sending me one piece of "You suck!" mail since I started here. I know I just jinxed myself here, and tomorrow my inbox is going to be deluged with a torrent of "You suck, your girlfriend's fat, and your mom dresses you funny!" E-mails, but hey, that's what the Delete key is for.

To Online Onslaught and all it's loyal readers: Here's to you!

Anyway, On to the wrasslin!

5-Minutes out: Brock Lesnar has defeated the best ("Kurt Angle! Ric Flair! The Rock!") But has he underestimated Eddie Guererro? Find out at No Way Out! But until then, Smackdown is NEXT!

WWE leader, and last Monday night on Raw, Paul Heyman made the mistake of getting in Goldbergs face and ate a spear. Goldberg growled out that Brock was still next.

Show opening, PYRO! And we are LIVE from Tacoma, Washington and just 72 hours away from No Way out on PPV. Later tonight, Kurt and Eddie collide with Brock and Big Show, but first…

Rey Mysterio is out (w/ Jorge Paez. Oops, I guess he WASN'T a Guererro brother) for a non Title Match against Tajiri.

Wristlocks traded to start. Rey into the corner, Tajiri charges, eats a boot and Rey hits a head scissors. Rey gets a bulldog and looks poised for victory when Los Chavitos appear on the entrance ramp, allowing Tajiri to get a kick to Rey's back. Backbreaker applied, followed up by a cobra clutch. Rey gets out and gets a quick rollup for 2. Rey on the offense, but Tajiri dodges a 6-1-9 attempt. Rey goes for a springboard, but Tajiri ducks and Rey eats a back kick to the gut. Tajiri tries to capitalize, but falls prey to a drop toehold, 6-1-9, and West Coast Pop finishes it. Chavo attacks afterwards, but Jorge is in to chase Jr. off. Sr, on the other hand wants a piece of Jorge. Jorge obliges with a crotch thrust, a double kip-up, and a DEVISTATING left fist to Sr.'s face. Jorge helps Rey up and they head out.

Tazz and Cole throw us to footage of Paul ranting and raving and getting speared on Monday.

Backstage, Brock does something dangerous: He's thinking about the events on Monday. Paul complains of bruised ribs, he can't sleep because of the pain, he can't even talk right. Brock wonders what Goldberg is trying to say. Paul rants about how Goldberg is trying to intimidate him. Brock snaps and gives us a description of how he's going to beat Eddie senseless, then turn his attention to Goldberg and end that particular legend. Brock storms off and runs right into a commercial…

Back, and Rikishi and Scotty 2 Hotty are out. Scotty is going one-on-one against Danny Basham (W/ Shaniqua and Doug). Oh, and the match on Sunday is now a handicap match, with Shaniqua added to the mix on the Bashams side.

Scotty gets a small clap along to start, and Danny mat wrestles him down to answer. Danny trying for a side suplex, but Scotty resisting. Running the ropes, and Scotty gains the advantage off a vertical suplex. A quick bit of moonwalking is followed up by a couple dropkicks. Arm bar locked in. Danny tries an arm drag, but Scotty rolls through it and keeps it locked in. Doug distracts the referee as Danny gets the Greco-roman eyepoke and pulls him out through the ropes. Scotty regains his feet only to be leveled by a lariat from Shaniqua that Bradshaw would be jealous of. Scotty rolled back in, but cover only gets two. Danny holding Scotty down, Scotty fights back and fights out and tries to set up a worm, But Danny ducks, gets an elbow up in the corner, sweeps Scotty off his feet, rollup, and Doug lends a helping foot to get the pin. After, Doug gets taken out by Rikishi, so Shaniqua bails into the ring. Scotty bulldogs her down, and Rikishi sets her up for the banzai drop, but Doug rescues her before the deed can be done.

Coming up later: Torrie and Sable are in Playboy together. Find out what they think of that. Joy.

Back, and Earlier Tonight, the Mexicans got into it. Backstage, Josh has cornered Rey and Jorge. Rey gives Jorge props (in Spanish) for his involvement tonight. Rey says that Chavo Jr. needs to bring everything he's got, Cause Rey ill be doing the same.

Elsewhere, Chavo Sr. has ice on his jaw and Chavo Jr. talks about how he's going to beat Rey, take his mask, and after, Chavo Sr. is going to beat Jorge down. Sr. ruins Jr.'s intense streak by giving us a, "What?" at this last part.

Still Elsewhere, that busy bee Josh has chased down and cornered yet another superstar, this one being Kurt Angle. Kurt says that John wants to be Emenem, and that Big Show EATS M&M;'S. A LOT of them. Kurt tells us that he'll be going on to be the #1 contender, and we break for commercials.

Back, and apparently they've been showing the crowd Rey's music video while we were away. Hardcore Holly saves us all from it by making his entrance. He'll be dancing with Rhyno tonight.

Circle, Rhyno tries to intimidate, Holly answers a slap to the face with a go-behind takedown. Rhyno wrestles out of it they break. Rhyno shoves Holly again, so Holly slaps him in the face. Holly goes to work with the chops. Rhyno into the corner, and taken down with another knife-edge. Cover, only gets 2. Rhyno fights his way up, grabs Holly and hits a gutwrench into a hotshot. Rhyno with the body scissors, trying to wear Holly down. Holly works his way over and gets Rhyno's shoulders down, forcing him top break the hold. Holly goes for a few more chops, but Rhyno answers with a DEVISTATING spinebuster. Rhyno setting up for the GOAR! Rhyno charges right into a Holly drop kick! Holly covers, but only gets 2. Rhyno reverses a whip and Holly eats a turnbuckle. Rhyno starts pounding on Holly. The Ref tries to break it up, so Rhyno shoves him off. The ref wastes no time calling for the bell to DQ Rhyno. That doesn't stop them from going after each other, tho. They continue brawling until 4 or 5 refs break them up.

The brawling is interrupted by a shot from the high-speed backstage cam, which is following some EMS workers. Turns out Kurt Angle has been taken out with a steel chair, and Orlando Jordan found him. As the EMS workers attend to Kurt, Orlando plays traffic cop.

Back from commercials, and the entire Smackdown B-Team has shown up to get in the EMS workers way. Eddie shows up, and suddenly we start hearing a mariachi band. Out in the ring, the Band is playing a tune, and Brock Lesnar dances down wearing a sombrero. He dances around in the ring while the band members give him a "What the fuck" look until Brock finally stops the music. Brock says that the Band is for a little celebration in Eddie's honor, because come No Way Out, Eddie will have nothing to celebrate. Brock strikes up the band again ("Wait a minute, Uno, Dos, Tres!!") and they play for about 20 seconds before Eddie jumps in the ring and chases all those poor mariachis away. He'd better watch out, or one of them will shoot him with his guitar or something.

After clearing the ring, Brock protests that he paid good money to have them swim all the way here and play. Brock commiserates with Eddie, seeing as how his partner has been taken out. But he predicts that that won't stop Eddie, because he's a fighter, that he's good at beating the odds. "But you know what, Addict?" Brock says that while Eddie was in recovery and fighting his demons, Brock was winning championships. Brock hopes that Eddie is addicted to losing, because Sunday he's going to get his fix.

Eddie with the mic: He liked what Brock did. Truth is, Eddie IS an addict. 3 years ago, in Minnesota, he had just finished a show, and he was high, high, high! After that show, they carried him home and right into rehab. While he recovered, he lost a lot: his wife, his kids, his job, and his home. Finally, he came to a point where he had to make a decision: do or die. He decided to do and he fought his way back to where he is, he earned every thing that he is getting now. He looks at the belt around Brocks waist and he sees a symbol. A symbol saying that He's made it, that he's gained the respect of kids again. He's addicted to the pops he gets, and he's addicted to the feeling of going home and having his family say, "You did it!" He's an addict, and he'll do whatever it takes, he'll run over anybody to get what he wants, to be the WWE Champion.

Back from commercials, and The Worlds Greatest Tag Team is out. Shelton Benjamin vs. Bradshaw (W/ Faaroq).

Circle, lockup, and Shelton gets a side headlock, which Bradshaw gets a turnover. Shelton with a Greco-roman eyepoke and throwing Bradshaw out. Charlie tries to rush Bradshaw, but get taken out with a quick right. Bradshaw back in and wrestling Shelton down. Ref distraction goes awry as Charlie tries to distract the ref to allow Shelton to cheat, but Faaroq jumps in and takes Shelton down. Match slows down considerably at this point, with Bradshaw hitting his methodical offense. Shelton comes back and locks in a fujiwara arm bar, but Bradshaw makes the ropes. Both men back up, and they try duking it out, but throwing a right causes a burst of pain in Bradshaw. Wow, Psychology! They brawl around a bit more until a Shelton superkick puts Bradshaw down. Shelton crawls over and gets a cover for 2. Shelton picks Bradshaw back up and whips into the corner, but Bradshaw dodges the charge and gets a surprise Clothesline from Heck. Cover, and Bradshaw picks up the win.

Backstage, little stalker boy Josh is outside the trainer's door and running down the suspects in Kurt Angle's chairing. He hopes to have more information after the break.

This weeks Wrestlemania Recall: Andre states that Hulkimania is over and strangles Bob Ueker.

Back, and Jamie Knoble is out in the ring (with footage from last week). Jamie knows that Nidia is all scared of their match at No Way Out. He states that He should have dumped her as soon as she got blind. He tells her that there is a way out of their match: when they get home, She is to pack up all her stuff, leave the stuff he bought her (especially the mink coat) and leave, and Jamie will call the match off. This brings Nidia out in a big truck towing a wood chipper. Nidia introduces the guys and the wood chipper to the crowd. She states that an added stipulation to the match is that now, Jamie has to wrestle blindfolded. Cutting to the chase, Nidia throws the "$5000 Mink coat" into the woodchipper, shows off her new boobs, and makes her exit.

Oh geez, that was horrid. And the match at No Way Out is going to be horrid too. I guess they needed to schedule a bathroom break someplace.

Up next, the Sable and Torrie interview.

Back, and Rue has Sable and Torrie in a room with a camera that is permanently set on Soft Focus. They giggle a lot, they jiggle a lot, and it's about as entertaining as you'd expect. Sure, there were a lot of boobs, but this was a total throwaway segment and nothing came off natural at all. Oh, and they sow the seed's of a crossover feud with Miss Jackie and Stacy by saying they are classier then the Raw Diva's.

After a quick recap of the matches going on at No Way out, Brock Lesnar is out followed shortly by The Big Show for their match against a bunch of commercials…

Back, and Eddie Guererro is out first in his low rider, but with a worried look on his face, as Kurt is nowhere to be seen. Kurt's music hits, but no entrance. Big show and Brock taunt him for a bit. That is, until John Cena makes his entrance and sides with Eddie. After much tantrum throwing by Big Show, He starts with John. John charges in and lays into Big Show, pummeling him with right hands, and eventually knocking him out of the ring. Big Show back in, but Brock wants in. Brock demands a tag, and Eddie more than obliges. They both charge and Eddies Fists overpower Brocks kicks. Brock comes back for a brief flurry of offense and goes for a gorilla press slam, but Eddie shimmies down Brock and rolls him up for 2. Eddie with dropkicks and more punches until Brock gets a Spinebuster that turns the match decisively in his favor. Brock beats on Eddie for a bit, tags Big show in, He does more of the same. Big Show going for a powerbomb, But Eddie punches him in the head while up top. Eddie flips over and tries for a sunset flip, but has to dodge a sitout by Big Show. Eddie pauses for a second, then tags Cena in. Cena goes after Big Show, but is held up by a Big Show headbutt. Big Show beating Cena down. As Show goes off the ropes, Eddie low bridges him and Big Show spills outside. Brock charges across the ring and Eddie low bridges him as well. As the heels hit the deck outside, Eddie yells for Cena to get up and we go to commercial.

Back, and Big Show has Cena in an abdominal stretch. Cena starts fighting his way out, but Show takes him down with a clothesline. Tag to Brock. Brock toys with Cena for a bit, hits a fisherman's suplex, and cover attempt is interrupted by Eddie. Brock locks in a body vise. Eddie goes around and studies Brock from different angles in his corner. Finally, Eddie starts trying to pump the crowd up. Cena fights his way out, but falls prey to a big knee from Brock. Cover gets two. Brock locks in a grapevine, and then hits a belly-to-belly suplex. Tag to Big Show. Show sits on Cena a couple times, then continues working on his back. Cena tries to fight back out, but falls prey to a big boot. Show with the arrogant one handed cover, Cena kicks out, tho. Big show talking trash to Cena, but Cena fights back. One clothesline, nothing. Second Clothesline, nothing. Cena off the ropes, ducking a lariat, coming back with a flying clothesline that takes Big Show off his feet. Cena hits the throwback, but gets caught by a right hand. Big Show calls for the chokeslam, but Cena gets out and hits a DDT. Both men crawling, Big Show gets the tag first, Brock charges across the ring and takes Eddie out. Brock turning his attention back to Cena, but Cena dodges a charge and Brock posts himself. Cena, capitalizing, hits a DDT on Brock. Eddie is back up on the apron and Cena tag him in. Eddie taking it to Brock right hands, clotheslines, Hat Trick Verticals! Quick Dropkick taking Big Show off the apron. Cover on Brock gets two. Eddie instantly up top and hitting the missile dropkick. Cover, but Big Show gets a foot in to break it up. Cena takes it to Big Show outside, but Big Show grabs the goozle. Before he can choke slam him, tho, Kurt Angle is down to take Big Show out with the Steel chair. Cena is recovering, so Kurt takes HIM out with the chair as well. Kurt looking to get in the ring, but the Ref stops him. Eddie takes this chance to grab Cena's chain and hit a chain-assisted low blow. Eddie covers, Ref counts, and Eddie gets the duke. Eddie celebrates, Angle backs up the ramp, and we are outta here.

Better show than last week, but it was still kind of hit and miss. When they wee on, they were ON (Mainly when you were dealing with the subjects of the main event), But when they were off, they weren't really clicking. I challenge anyone to find someone that actually cares that Nidia and Jamie are fighting this weekend. Chavo Sr. is becoming more of a comedy act every week, and what was the point of Rhyno vs. Holly? What reason do they have to fight? I know that they only had 3 weeks to set up for this PPV, but they could have at least tried to get us to care about the outcome of a Holly vs. Rhyno feud or a Worlds Greatest Tag Team vs. the APA match. Oh, and adding Shaniqua to the tag title match really doesn't help the match, either. If the Bashams win, especially if Shaniqua is involved in the pinfall, Rikishi and Scotty go back to being Velocity main eventers and the tag title scene remains at square one. If the Bashams lose, they look all the weaker, seeing as how they couldn't get the job done even with an Amazon on their side. Shaniqua should have just remained the fly in the ointment heel manager that she's been so good at so far.

Despite the negative, very watchable show. The Main event set up the top two matches nicely, leaving us with just enough "What if?" to keep us from saying, "Ok, we know THISGUY is going to win" with any definiteness. I have a funny feeling that No Way Out is going to be a 3 match PPV, tho.

See Ya next week! Keep on rockin!


SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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