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October 22, 2004

by Big Danny T.
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


Oh. WOW!

You know, after seeing the Red Sox go down in the first game last week, I was already writing them off to fall to the Curse once again. Oh what a difference a week makes. Not only did they do it, they did it WITH AUTHORITY!  I’ve always been a Cubbie at heart, but with my soft spot for hard luck cases, the BoSox are my new favorite team.

And Boston faithful, never fear, I’ll not be dropping my fanaticism of Boston as soon as the chips are down. No, by treating me (and the rest of America) to a history making night Wednesday, I swear I am now a loyal fan, through thick and thin. *Puts bible, copy of constitution, and Ric Flairs autobiography down. *

Oh, and in “Not Rubbing Salt in Ricks Wounds” News, I shall not be here for your next couple Smackdown Recaps. Next weekend, I’m a guest at Anime USA. So if you are that rare hybrid of Wrestling and Anime fan and in the DC area, come on by and heckle me in my ghetto craptastic Green Arrow costume.

The Next weekend is the Convention I helped found, Nekocon, but I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that Vanguard Championship Wrestling is having their anniversary show on Sunday, November 7th. I’ve already gone on record to state that VCW can put on a better show than WWE can on PPV, and this show looks to be no exception. Chris Candido, The Barbarian, Beautiful Bobby (maybe). How can you pass this up? Answer: you can’t! Come on out for a fantastic night of wrestling.

Anyway, enough of that, on with the wrasslin!

5-minutes out: clip of Eddie being eliminated from the Battle Royal last week.

WWE leader, and we go straight into the opening (Carlito isn’t in it yet.) Tonight, we are Live (taped) from Rockford, Ill, and tonight is a Champions showcase (Booker, RVD, and Rey vs. J”B”L and the tag champs), Cole warns us that Heidenreich will be having his first match tonight, and LIVE from Venice Beach, w4e get to see a bunch of meatheads compete to be the next Tough Enough jobber.

Torrie Wilson leads us off to do the ring announcing. Whoa, we’re starting off with a match!

Carlito Caribbean Cool is out. He checks out Torrie and takes the mic. He comes on to her, reminding her that he’s the US heavyweight Champion, says that the title looks so good on him, and HE’D look so good on her, isn’t that cool? Torrie tries to stammer out the next introduction, but Carlito stops her, reminding her that he just asked her a question. Torrie tries to soldier on, but Carlito stops her again, and says that ignoring him isn’t cool. She tries again, and Carlito gives her the apple spit. Torrie storms off as Rico makes his entrance.

Rico in and getting a couple shots and a back body drop in, but Carlito comes back with the Greco Roman Eyepoke, and locks in a chinlock. Rico fights up, Carlito misses a clothesline, Rico gets a kick to the midsection, then the donkey dick mulekick. Carlito comes back with a kick to the gut and hits the overdrive (Carlitoverdrive?) Cover, and pin wins the match. 2 minutes tops.

Tazz and Michael Cole give us an update on John Cena. Michael is going on about puncture wounds, Tazz tells him to call a spade a spade and say he got stabbed. Cena is doing well, he will probably still have the kidney to use, and if you want to send him well wishes, just go to WWE.com.

Backstage, Booker T is talking to Theodore Long. He says it’s time for Booker to shine, and Teddy agrees. Teddy ponders the possibility of a J”B”L vs. the 5-time, 5-time, 5… “Oh shut up, Teddy! Excuse me, Mr. Long.” Booker tells Teddy to stop patronizing him and do something. Teddy says all right, but Booker needs to make an impact, and he doesn’t care if he gets in a fight with Rey, RVD, or whoever, just as long as he does it in the ring, and he wows us all. Booker says, “All right.” And heads out, and we go to commercials.

Billy Kidman package, where he whines about not having anyone in his time of need, coupled with footage of his destroying Paul London, and abusing Charlie and Miss Jackie. “That shooting star press has become a reckless maneuver!” I love shoot comments that aren’t supposed to be shoot comments.

“Ooooo, Chavo!” Chavo Guererro is back! He says that whether people loved him or hated him, the support he got while he was home injured was overwhelming, and he just wanted to say, “Thank you.” He says he was so excited just to get back into the ring, but doesn’t get much farther before he’s interrupted by Thug Life Billy Kidman. Billy says it’s great to have him back, and hopes that he got his cards and letters and stuff. Billy touches upon their history together, and says that even though Chavo was the one with the concussion, Billy suffered just as much. That the people made him into a monster, but despite that, he thinks that he and Chavo are now closer than ever because of this. Chavo takes the mic and says that his family didn’t want to come back, and he was actually considering quitting, but a friend stepped in. An old friend, someone who stood by his side, stood with is family, and inspired him to come back. Billy is all misty during this, and Chavo extends the hand. Billy takes it and they embrace. As Billy goes to part, tho, Chavo holds him up. “Oh and Billy, that friend SURE AS HELL WASN’T YOU!” Chavo with the short arm clothesline, leveling Billy. Stomps in the corner, then Billy clotheslined out. Chavo jubilant in the ring as his music plays.

In the back, Heidenreich is shadowboxing when Paul Heyman enters. Turns out Teddy Long doesn’t want Heidenreich wrestling tonight, that he’s too dangerous. But, he can wrestle, but with one stipulation: Heidenreich wear a straitjacket to the ring, he’s let out, does his match, and at the end, the jacket goes back on. It’s either that or no wrestle. Heidenreich ponders this for a second, and Paul says, “I didn’t think so. We’ll work it out with the Lawyers next week…” Heidenreich drags him back and says, “Put it on.” Paul helps him into it, all the time, Heidenreich muttering something about, “Just like home, just like home…”

Commercials, and Earlier this week, WWE had the Survivor Series press conference at the Gund Arena.

“Hei-Den! Heidenreich!” (W/ Paul Heyman and No Mercy footage) is out for his first Smackdown match. His opponent: a faux-hawked Shannon Moore.

As Paul is unbuckling Heidenreich, Shannon attacks and unloads with a flurry of rights. Heidenreich stops this with a headbutt and finally gets the jacket off. Heidenreich manhandling Shannon, but Shannon gets a boot up for a charge. Shannon gets some token jobber offense, but Heidenreich is a hoss, can’t feel pain, is bigger, whatever, and beats Shannon down, hitting a sloppy backbreaker (I think) and getting the pin.

After the match, Paul puts the jacket back on and Heidenreich demands the mic. He states that He’s now helpless, and he was Undertaker now, Now, NOW!!! He calls for Undertaker a few times, then tells Paul that he wants Undertaker. I’m sensing a theme here, but can’t quite put my finger on it…

Before we go to commercials, we see a bunch of guys embarrass themselves out in Venice. Tough Enough, later!

Backstage, Torrie complains about Carlito’s actions to Jan the makeup lady. She’s distracted by Kenzo Suzuki, who breaks into, “You are so Beautiful.” Here comes Teddy. “Excuse me, Emenem.” He offers Smackdown’s heartfelt apologies for Carlito’s actions earlier. He spies the cool one now, and the camera follows as he interrupts Carlito macking on a stage girl. Teddy accuses Carlito of being in the club when Cena was stabbed. Carlito begs off, but Teddy has a police report that says differently. Carlito says that this line of questioning isn’t cool, and he not answering any of these questions until he talks to his lawyer.

While on tour in Europe, Smackdown visited Italy. J”B”L tried to buy Michelangelo’s ‘David’, Carlito didn’t find a single cool person, and everyone generally had a good time.

Backstage, Booker T jumping rope as Orlando Jordan comes up and tries to suck up. Orlando says that that misunderstanding a couple weeks ago, that he’s sorry about it. Booker isn’t buying it and walks away without a word.

Commercials. Ted Nugent says vote, so VOTE, DAMMIT! Your Vote is the sauce in the goulash of democracy, baby!

“Viva la Rasa!” Here comes Eddie Guererro out to take on Mark Jindrak (W/ Luther Reigns.)

They fight over a wristlock to start. Jindrak with the side headlock. Eddie trying to power out, but Mark shows off, flexes, and draws Eddie back in. Eddie trying again, failing, so he yanks the hair down. Mark complains to the ref, then goes after Eddie, who armdrags him right out of the ring. Mark is outside as we go to commercials.

Back, and Eddie is controlling with some headlock takeovers. Mark finally has enough and grabs the hair to break it. Mark back in with some stomps, a suplex, and cover gets 2. Eddie bulldogs his way out of a headlock, but fisticuff exchange is won by Mark. Mark with the headlock again. Ok, wasn’t this guy trained at the power plant? I thought they taught the guys more than one move there? Oh yeah, he has that Hurricanrana that he used twice, almost breaking his neck both times…

Oh, back to the match, Eddie elbows his way out of the predicament. Three Amigo’s, and Eddie goes up. Luther tries to interfere, but Eddie has a boot to the head (Yaa! Yaa!) for him. The ref decides that Luther has been hanging around long enough and goes to send him to the back. Eddie watching this, but Kurt Angle is in and sliding the ringbell to Mark. Eddie doesn’t see this, and goes up for the frogsplash. Mark puts the ringbell on his chest and Eddie plants himself square on it. Eddie is out for the count, Mark makes the easy cover, and that’s it.

Back in his office, Teddy is speaking to CRZ, begging him to come back and recap Smackdown the next two weeks for me, but CRZ says no dice. Paul Heyman walks in and interrupts this. He says that Heidenreich wants a favor. Teddy can’t believe his ears, but says go on. Paul says that Heidenreich wants a match versus the Undertaker. Teddy says “Done!” Paul is jubilant until Teddy sits him back down again. Teddy says that He’ll give Paul the contract, but he’s going to have to get Undertaker to sign it. Paul shits his pants, complains, but Teddy is steadfast, and Paul has one week to get Undertakers John Hancock.


Back, and Rob Van Dam and Rey Mysterio are talking amongst themselves when Booker comes in with something to say. He acknowledges that Rey and RVD are a great tag team and he’ll do right about them, but the Championship Showcase is his time to shine, and that they need to stay out of his way. RVD and Rey are all, "It’s coo, mang” to his face, but after he walks off, RVD advises that they’d better keep an eye on Booker.

Tough Enough! 50 are whittled down to 8. Lets see, we’ve got Sideburns Brian, Navy Boy, Goofy Blonde, Big John Studd’s kid, and Road Warrior Marty getting small packages to themselves. Sideburns Brian strains a muscle in his shoulder as we go to commercial.

Back, and Georgia Josh drops out after making a fool of himself. Sideburns Brian runs the obstacle course (longer than it was yesterday) with a MASSIVE bruise on his bicep (Torn bicep and torn pectoral.) Unfortunately, because he’s injured, he has to be cut. Brian is heartbroken, but he vows to be a part of the family. Before he can leave, tho, the Boss was apparently moved and says that he’s going to pay for his recovery and signs him to a developmental deal with OVW.

Meanwhile, Road Warrior Marty is all intense and all, but he’s been saying he’s 30 all day, but when they have him produce his Drivers license, turns out he’s 40. The guys love his intensity, but the fact he lied is a deal breaker and he’s gone.

They pick the 8 finalists, they are all happy to be here, and now we’re back. Tazz and Cole can’t wait to see more out of these guys.

Backstage, and J”B”L and Orlando are walking and wondering about Booker. Speaking of the devil, here’s Booker now. J”B”L tries to talk about a couple weeks ago, but Booker tells him to save it. Booker switches gears, congratulates J”B”L for moving on up in the world, winning the title, and getting his own houseboy. Orlando loses his smile quick and J”B”L tries to come to Orlando’s defense. Booker says he’s just kidding around and heads out. J”B”L is smiling again, but Orlando looks like his feelings were hurt as we go to commercials.

Back, and John “Bradshaw” Layfield (W/ Orlando Jordan), Rene Dupree and Kenzo Suzuki (W/ Hiroko and Fifi) are out to take on Rob Van Dam, Rey Mysterio, and Booker T.

RVD and Rene start. Circle, lockup, and Rene forcing RVD into the corner. Tazz and Cole remind us that RVD nearly snapped Renes neck last week as RVD shoves Rene off. They talk trash and then lock up and commence to mat wrestle then do the quick pinfall followed by faceoff bit. Rene goes in with a kick to the gut, him and tries a sunset flip. RVD tags Rey, rolls through and they fuck up a double dropkick spot. Rey with the cover, but only for 2. Rey with the kicks, but Rene reverses an arm wringer and gets a kick of his own. Tag to Kenzo and they attempt a double body drop, but Rey kicks Kenzo and head scissors Rene out of the ring. Kenzo is still in the ring, tho, and he gets a hit to the throat. Kenzo grabbing Reys leg, but Rey hits the Enziguri. Tag to RVD, and Rey hits a bad looking Bronco Buster. Rey is off tonight. RVD in for the split legged moonsault for 2 as J”B”L breaks it up. RVD and Kenzo back up, but Kenzo slaps him down. Kenzo working him over, misses a charge, eats an RVD Spinkick, and then falls victim to a Rey scissor press. Rey across the ring, knocking Rene and J”B”L off the apron, then hitting a springboard cross body for 2. Rene breaks that one up and Kenzo and Rene look to do some double-teaming, but RVD is in to shove them over. J”B”L in to spoil the fun, tho and he catches a Rey cross body, only to turn around and see RVD flying at him with a flying cross body of his own. J”B”L goes down, Rey Dropkicks Rene out, RVD bodyslams Kenzo, and RVD grabs Rey and they hit a double legdrop. RVD takes Rene out with a slingshot cross body to the floor and Rey goes after Kenzo. Rey going for a rope assisted head scissors, but Kenzo throws Rey off, catching Booker with Rey’s feet as he’s going out, sending them both to the floor. J”B”L is over to gloat and we take a break.

Back, and J”B”L has tagged in and is controlling Rey with power stuff. Rey elbows out of a hug of some sort and hits a head scissors. Rey tries for a tag, but J”B”L catches him and drags him back to tag Rene in. Rene whips Rey off the ropes, hits a drop toehold, but before he can capitalize, J”B”L kicks him as he goes off the ropes. Kenzo comes in, and they try to double team, but RVD rushes in and takes the tag champs out with a double clothesline, and then spears J”B”L off the apron. Back in the ring, Rey is trying to make the tag to Booker, but Rene catches him and they struggle against each other. Rene gets the tag to Bradshaw, and Bradshaw is just a little too slow as Booker is finally tagged in. Bradshaw begs off, but Booker turns that frown upside down and meets him with a grin. He suggests that he hold Rey for a Clothesline from Hell, to which Bradshaw agrees totally. Bradshaw sets up and goes in, but Booker tosses Rey aside and surprises J”B”L with a kick to the mush. Booker is now a house o’ far, and he takes out everyone that gets in his path. Rene tossed out, Kenzo tossed out, Axe Kick for J”B”L and Booker covers for the pin. Bradshaw is still in shock as Orlando tries to help and runs right into a Book End. Booker poses on the ropes and we are outta here.

Better show than last week. Heidenreich challenging Undertaker is one step closer to the end of this feud, and that’s a good thing.

Booker is back and he’s a babyface again. Granted, everyone pretty much knew it from two weeks ago, but it was still a well set up turn, and the resulting feud will hopefully end up with Booker getting his 6th world championship.

Carlito stabbed Cena? Surely he’s too cool for that!

Chavo is back, and now, Billy has his hands full. And just who is Chavo’s friend? Paul London?

Last week was Bookers time off, this week, looks like we lost Big Show.

Eddie vs. Team Angle. Steady as she goes, but this week really exposed Mark Jindrak.

Tough Enough: This week is probably the most attention that I’ll pay to it in this forum. If you want to keep up with it, go to WWE.com.

And that about does it. Hope the Sox can break the curse in the series, against who, well, it’s bottom of the 6th, and ‘Stros are up 2-1, Oops, sorry, Cardinals are up 4-2 now, so you’ll just have to see for yourself on that one.

And on that note, see ya in 3 weeks!



SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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