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March Madness... In February?
February 7, 2005

by Big Danny T.
Exclusive to OnlineOnslaught.com


WWE leader, and we start off hot with John Cena in San Jose, California, who wastes no time pandering to the crowd. To his credit, the crowd is hot for him. He says that it seems that you can’t mention John Cena’s name without also including the word, “Controversial.” For example: You can’t talk like that on TV, that’s too controversial. You can’t wear that hat of TV, it’s too controversial. He then goes on about how the ending to the Royal Rumble was controversial. But he gives Batista his props, and says that he hopes that Batista comes to Smackdown.  
This brings Theodore Long out. He says that yes, Batista won the Royal Rumble. But he doesn’t have time to wait on Batista so starting tonight there will be an 8-Man tournament to determine the #1 contender. And if Batista does decide to jump, then it’ll be a triple threat match.

John “Bradshaw” Layfield (W/ Orlando Jordan and Diva Castoff Amy Weber) is out and isn’t happy. He tells Cena that grown ups are talking, and then asks Teddy, “What the HELL are you thinking?” He expresses his displeasure at the idea of the tournament AND the barbed wire Steel cage match. Teddy stops him and informs him that he’s neither for nor against J”B”L, and that next week, Orlando will be facing Cena in a first round match. J”B”L perks up at this and says, “Problem solved!” and predicts that Orlando is going to win it all. He says sorry to Cena, who is ignoring him. J”B”L tells him to pay attention, because he’ll never get a shot at the title. He runs Cena down about his fashion sense and lack of respect for the title and those around him and that he’s not in J”B”L’s league. Cena tells J”B”L to follow the fans advice (they’re chanting “Shut Up!”) and Orlando tries to attack. Cena dispatches him quickly, and just a quickly, he hoists J”B”L up and hits the F-U. Cena out of the ring, and after a quick stare down on Amy, he heads out, and we head to commercials.

Moments ago:  Cena got the better of J”B”L.

After the smack of the night (Angle Eliminating HBK from the Royal Rumble) Kurt Angle is out for tonight’s Kurt Angle Invitational. Before we start, he says that while he didn’t win the WWE Title, or the Royal Rumble, he did have a good night Sunday, because he beat the living hell out of Shawn Michaels. Next week, he goes to the first round of the Tournament against Rey Mysterio. Tonight however, it’s time for tonight’s jobber of the week….

Nunzio? Kurt says he’s not from San Jose, Nunzio says tonight HE IS the hometown boy. Since Kurt stole his spot in the Rumble, he hasn’t been able to sleep, and he intends to redeem himself. He demands Kurt wrestle him tonight, and Kurt accepts.

Kurt tries to cheap shot, but Nunzio ducks. Feeling out to start, then they go into the mat wrestling. Nunzio doing a good job of playing keep away, even getting a few near falls. At about the 2-minute mark, Kurt hits a wheelbarrow suplex, and it’s all over from there. Angle slam, Ankle lock applied, Nunzio makes the ropes, but Kurt yanks him off and with nowhere to go, Nunzio taps. Kurt keeps it wrenched in for a bit, then lets go. As Kurt celebrates, we head to commercials.

Backstage, Kurt is talking to Mark Jindrak and Luther “Buttercup” Reigns. Kurt can’t wait for his match against Rey, and says that tonight, Mark is to soften Rey up. Kurt turns his attention to Luther again. He asks who his next opponent will be, and Luther says that next in the bracket for him is the winner of Rene DuPree and Undertaker. Kurt looks somewhat distressed by this, and after telling Mark to get ready for his match, pulls Luther over to talk strategy.

Elsewhere, Teddy is looking over the paperwork when Carlito comes in and he is all smiles. Teddy wonders what’s up, and Carlito is overjoyed to inform him that he won’t be going to Japan next week. Instead, Teddy will be in Stanford, defending his actions as general Manager, thanks to Carlito’s petition. Teddy says we’ll see about that, and Carlito says that we will, and it’ll be cool!

Commercials. Does Barbershop really need to be made into a TV series? Oh, and I don’t care if you ARE gay, if Shannon Elizabeth propositions you, you WILL stand up and take notice!

Back, and Rey Mysterio is out for his match against Mark Jindrak.

Mark goes after Rey to start, but Rey gets away and goes to kicking away. Rey's momentum is stopped with a clothesline. Back up, and Rey gets a drop toehold and runs for the 6-1-9, but Mark catches him and puts him in a sidewalk slam. Mark now using power and a choke to put Rey down. Rey elbows out of the choke and goes off the ropes; Mark hits a haymaker on Rey and puts him down for 2 ¾. Jindrak strutting for the crowd, but Rey gets a kick in, then hits the dropkick. Mark back body drops Rey out, but Rey gets a shoulder through the ropes, and then hits a springboard senton for 2. Jindrak tries to come back, but Rey fires away with kicks and with Jindrak to his knees, a dropkick to the back sets him up for 6-1-9. Rey hits, then goes to drop the dime, but Mark ducks. Rey recovers immediately and dropkicks Mark into the corner. Mark stumbles out, Rey goes for a springboard cross body press, but Mark catches him. Rey converts this into a head scissors throwing Mark into the turnbuckle. Rey grabs a schoolboy, rollup, and Rey wins! Mark can’t believe it and Rey celebrates.

Backstage, Amy interrupts fellow Diva Search Castoff Joy’s clothing decision ritual to present her with the dry cleaning bill for the dress that got smoothie all over it. The price is outrageous and Joy refuses to pay, so Amy says that the Bashams will take it out of the Big Show’s hide later. Joy isn’t really showing concern at this as we go to commercials.

I won’t fantasy book any more Wrestlemania commercials. I’ll just enjoy them.

“WEEEELLLLLL!” It’s the Big Show out for a handicap match against The Bashams.

Doug starts, and the Big Show stops him with a knee to the jaw. Into the corner, and Big Show laying in with the big slaps. Doug begs off and tags Danny in. Danny talks some trash, so Big Show starts shoving him around. Big show tries a charge in the corner and gets a boot to the face. After a dropkick hobbles Show, Doug gets a top rope cross body and Danny covers. Big Show kicks out, and the rest of the match is all him. Headbutts and clotheslines all around, and after stacking the Bashams in the corner, a big splash. Doug bails and gets a chair and nearly takes Danny out with it when Big Show dodges. Doug turns around and Big Show punches it back into his face. Doug down, Big Show tosses Danny, cover, win.

WWE Hall of Fame induction package. This year’s honorees are Iron Sheik, Nikolai Volkoff, Paul “Mr. Wonderful” Orndorff, Jimmy Hart, and Cowboy Bob Orton.

Back, and in our first #1 Contenders Tournament match, Rene DuPree (W/ Fifi) is out to take on The Undertaker. Hmm, the French Phenom against the plain ol’ Phenom. Wonder who’s going to win? My guess would be the one without the country in his nickname.

Lockup, Undertaker grabs a headlock, Rena managed to get out. Undertaker shoots in and works an arm wringer as Mark Jindrak and Luther “Buttercup” Reigns make their way to ringside. Undertaker, as well as Tazz and Cole wonder what’ they’re doing there, and we take a commercial break.

Hmm, $24.98 + $4.95 shipping for Pink Floyd, “Echoes” and a special limited edition Key ring. OR! I could go to Target, pick up the album for $18.99 and get the keychain at Spencers for another $3.

Back, and ‘Taker has the match solidly under control. Reigns and Jindrak are stalking around the outside. ‘Taker is distracted for a second and this allows a clothesline over the top rope by Rene. ‘Taker back up, and he hits a hangman on Rene. Back on the floor, Mark charges right into a goozle, as does Luther. ‘Taker doesn’t notice Rene getting a baseball slide in and ‘Taker is knocked to the ground. Luther and Jindrak apply a beat down, but ‘Taker fights them off. Rene tries a flying Theisz press, but ‘Taker catches him and rams his spine into the post. Back in the ring, ‘Taker misses a boot in the corner, and Rene goes for the knee. Rene with a spinning toehold, and then he kicks ‘Taker down. Rene with the Gay, Gay dance of French Manliness, but ‘Taker sits up and before Rene can do anything, ‘Taker grabs a goozle. Rene with a knee to the gut, but ‘Taker pulls him down and locks in the triangle choke. Luther up to distract, and while ‘Taker goes after him, Jindrak drags Rene out of the ring. ‘Taker just gives us, “Ooookay,” and ropeflips out of the ring. He knocks Jindrak down, gives a big boot to Luther, and brawls a bit with Rene. He goes to get back in the ring, but Luther grabs the leg and the ref counts ten. The bell rings and we are informed that it’s a double countout. ‘Taker doesn’t like this, but Jindrak and Reigns have done their job. Rene, like an idiot, tries to attack, but ‘Taker gives him a Tombstone Piledriver. ‘Taker is pissed as we go to break.

Moments ago: neither man advanced in the tournament.

Backstage, Josh Mathews has Big Show cornered. He asks him about his thoughts on the steel cage match. Big Show is happy that he finally has J”B”L right where he wants him. Joy beams with pride.

Elsewhere, Booker is lacing up when Eddie appears. Booker isn’t happy with Eddie’s performance at the Royal Rumble and gets in his face. Eddie tells him to back off, saying it was every man for himself. Booker’s all, “Yeah right,” and Eddie leaves, saying he’ll see him in the ring.

HHH as Braveheart. By the time you read this, I’ll still be laughing.

“Can you dig it, Sucka?” Booker T is out to take on Eddie Guererro in a first round match for the #1 contender.

They start and Eddie is trying to make nice, but Booker is in Eddies face and shoves him for effect. Eddie’s all, “All right,” and they hook up. Eddie chain wrestles Booker down, Booker kicks him off. Booker gets a side headlock, and then knocks Eddie down a couple times with a pair of shoulderblocks. They trade chops, and Eddie locks in a headlock. Booker sends Eddie to the ropes and rushes in with a knee to the gut. Booker with some more chops, kick to the gut, vertical suplex. Cover gets 2. Booker with a headlock, Eddie pumping up, but Booker stops that with a blow to the back of the neck and a superkick. Cover, only gets 2. Booker knocked down with a pair of rights, and Eddie goes up for a frogsplash. Booker see him going up and rolls out. Eddie in the ring, Booker out, we’re off to commercials.

Back, and Eddie is firmly in control. Slingshot senton, cover, 2. Eddie going for the frogsplash again. Booker gets up, meets Eddie up top, and hits the Superplex! Both men down, and Booker rolling over into a cover. Eddie kicks out, Booker covers again, Eddie kicks out again. Booker with the kneedrop, cover, Eddie kicks out. Booker with the top wristlock. Eddie fights out, but Booker locks a sleeper in. Eddies arm drops once, twice, Eddie keeps it up the third time. Eddie fights out, but Booker kicks to the gut. Axe kick misses, Eddie gets a dropkick. Eddie charges, but Booker gets a back body drop to send him out. Outside, Booker rams Eddie’s head into the steps. Eddie rolled in, cover, out at 2. Both men up, exchange of rights, Eddie walks into a Book End. Cover, Eddie gets a foot on the rope. Booker dragging Eddie up, Eddie gets a few rights in, Booker off the ropes, Eddie fells him with a dropkick. Eddie with rights, then the Three Amigos. Eddie up top for the frogsplash, but Booker rolls out of the way. Eddie slowly getting up, Booker up as well. Booker going for the superkick, but Eddie dodges and Referee Nick Patrick takes one in the kisser. Booker hitting the axe kick, then he covers. No ref, so he goes, rouses him, and the ref crawls over, but can only get a 2-count. Booker bringing the ref to his feet. During this, Eddie starts clutching his knee. Don’t worry, you didn’t see what happened. Booker goes to check on him, but Eddie waves him off. Booker checking the ref, and Eddie gets up and starts sneaking up behind him. Booker turns and Eddie drops, grabbing the knee again. Booker’s spider sense is tingling, and we he turns back to the ref, he’s keeping one eye on the Smackatron. Sure enough, Eddie gets up and goes to roll Booker up, but Booker dodges at the last second and gets a rollup of his own. Grabbing the tights, he’s able to keep Eddie down for the 1-2-3! Booker rolls out, and after a brief recap of the brackets and next weeks tournament matches, we see Booker celebrating, fade out, and we’re outta here!

Well, that was a decent followup to Royal Rumble. And they did a nice job of keeping the possibility of Batista defecting up in the air by planning the tournament. Matches were good for what they were, and the main event kicked ass. I'd say more, but I’m rushed tonight.

See ya next week!



SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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