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The Final Precap
August 4, 2006

by Nathan Kyght and Jamie O'Halloran
Special "SD! Idol" Try-Out Contestants for OnlineOnslaught.com


Jesus, what time is it?

For that matter, what day is it and where am I?

Seem to vaguely remember something about Mark Henry. Seem to remember remembering that dames love it when you call ‘em broads…

Oh that’s right. It’s late Thursday night or early Friday morning, depending on how you want to look at it. For me, the only thing that matters is getting this recap in on time.

Well, that and getting the room to stop spinning. But something tells me no amount of will is going to make that happen. Not in this case.

I guess Jack Daniels wins again.

As I struggle into a seated position, I clumsily kick over about a dozen empty beer cans I forgot I had stacked in front of the couch. Unfortunately, there’s no hiding this one from my girlfriend: she went to bed alone. Again.

As an aside: I tried to tell her it would be a lonely life if she let herself get involved with a Smackdown recapper. We’re a different breed. To the average Joe on the street, Thursdays may be about family. They may be about life. But not for my kind, oh no. Thursdays to us are about different things. Strange things. The kind of things that make you want to take a vacation in Quebec, or re-establish your Native American roots in a series of fairly dull vignettes. Thursdays to people from my side of the tracks are about the hot sting you get in the back of your skull when a grown man puts on a dress, or when a failed reality star pretends to be a Marine. Dammit, they’re about musical chairs, or bamboo cages, or the allure of smugly knowing who “Spanky” is, or chanting “Please Don’t Die” at his partner, secure in the knowledge that you’ve wasted more money on buying poorly produced VHS tapes than most of ‘em.

Yeah, I tried to tell her it would be a lonely life…

But she didn’t listen.

Now the sting of her tears serves as a constant reminder that maybe her mother was right: maybe I’m NOT good enough for her.

But I can certainly change. I have that ability…don’t I?

Anyway, I’ve always believed these types of life altering decisions are best made on a clear head and an empty stomach.

Right now though? Well, right now the only thing I’m concerned with changing is the channel.


Well, stabbing outwards from my television screen is an infomercial for a certain product (OK, it’s ProActiv™) that will supposedly cure you of your acne condition and allow you to rejoin the rest of society.

The extended ad features endorsements by celebrities and “regular” people alike, interspersed with “before” pictures that would make even the folks at Rotten.com cringe.

And just when I think I’m finally going to manage to keep last night down, out comes “whore du jour” Lindsay Lohan.

In addition to having a vagina rumoured to be capable of housing a ten speed bicycle, Double L (as she’s referred to by the “in” crowd), also suffers from poor complexion.

Anything beyond this point, though, is lost on me as I can’t get past her newly acquired smoker’s voice. To sound this husky, one can only assume is the result of repeated throat bonings from her illegal alien ex-boyfriend, Fez.

Or Jeremy Piven.

At this point, I fumble around for the remote in a fit of rage after I suddenly realize I’ve wasted close to fifteen minutes on this tripe. These were fifteen minutes I could’ve spent convincing my girlfriend that she means more to me than recapping Smackdown.


And there we have it. Another lonely Thursday. Another wasted day to some, but not to me. ‘Cause I have JBL and Cole. I have Chimmel and Mattitude. For the love of God, I got the whole gang. And I’ll be damned if I let anyone else down.

Hug it out Bitch.


Welcome to New Jersey! Welcome to TV that’s changing Friday Nights!

Cole welcomes us, refers to JBL as the hometown hero, and generally pimps the next two hours. But no time for small talk, because Finlay’s music hits, and we’re off with

Finlay vs. William Regal for the U.S. Title

Maybe the idea for SmackDown is to just keep rematchening the Great American Bash?

Who knows…..

Match starts with the standard for these two: lots of solid punchy-kicky, which Regal gets the advantage from. Match switches gears as Finlay reverses an Irish whip, and then some forearms. But wait! Regal regains the advantage with some uppercuts and kicks. Sounds fairly dull thus far, granted, but it’s not.


Well, that didn’t take long. Lil’ Bastard nails Regal with a Finlay-assisted dive from the ring apron, as JBL wonders if there is a “whole gaggle of Leprechauns under the ring”. Tragically, the midget is WAY more over than either of these guys, possibly due to the fact that every Aurora’s favourite tit hasn’t told creative to establish a freaking heel. Oh yeah! Congrats Trips and Steph!

Anyway, more back and forth in the match, with neither guy taking a sustained advantage. Mostly forearms and grappling, but in a so, so good way, until Finlay loses interest and takes out Regal with the shillelagh.

Your Winner, and STILL U.S. Champion, Finlay, in maybe 6 minutes

After the match Lashley hits the ring to beat the enzymes outta somebody, but Finlay hightails it, and Regal takes the beating.

As always, good showing from these guys. Not nearly long enough, but it’s better than nothing. Looks like we’re getting the cancelled Bash three way at SummerSlam, and I’m fine with that.

Cole tells us that later on, Chavo Guerrero will join us to explain his actions of late. Media worldwide wait with baited breath.


And we’re back, with last weeks Terkay-supporter Elijah Burke in mid-ring.

He does a carny intro for Sylvester Terkay.

Wow, that head. Unreal.

As JBL lets us know that in 11 years he hasn’t seen a more impressive debut than Terkay, we get some “highlights” of last weeks Matt Hardy jobbening.

Oh, this should be good:

Sylvester Terkay…WAIT! Despite the intro, we get Elijah Burke vs. Some Loser

Lousy. If you’re gonna have a jobber in the match, have it end in 2 seconds to build up the credibility of the guy who may get a push.

Anyway, not much of anything happens, and then Elijah hits “The Elijah Experience” (The Stroke), for the win.

Your Winner, Elijah Burke, in about 4 minutes of fuck all

After the match Terkay jumps into the ring, and they humiliate the loser a bit more


We cut backstage to the Miz, who says that we’re gonna hear a bunch of crap from the Divas. This week they’ll have to “think on the fly”, as they get a pie in the face while trying to cut a promo. Seem to remember that they did this before.

I FF, but one of ‘em ends up with white all over her face. Cough.


Luckily, another Diva tastes pie right after commercials and I manage to FF through that as well. See that Rick? I just upped productivity!

Back to the Ring for

Ashley vs. Kristal

Mostly stalling to start, save for Ashley bodyslamming Kristal and then throwing a baseball cap in her face. Sort of goes along in slow motion, and the crowd is as quiet as I have ever heard one. Kristal misses a dropkick, brief advantage Ashley, the Kristal hits a rollup out of nowhere, with a handful of tights, for the Three.

Your Winner, Kristal, in maybe 2 minutes

Backstage with another Diva. Can’t be bothered to make another facial joke, but it was more of the same

Cole tells us that we’re getting Booker and Undertaker tonight.


Out of Ads we get the RAW rebound, and then…….

Well, then we get a fucking RECAP of Tatanka’s lame ass ‘rebirth” vignettes. I just goofed on those in the preamble. I am totally psychic.

Tatanka vs. “The Ambassador of Quebec” Sylvan

Am I recapping last weeks show? Huh. And didn’t Tatanka get suspended? I made a joke about him failing a blood test last week, and now it no longer makes sense. I am totally not psychic. Sigh.

Anyway, this sucked too. Tatanka gets the early advantage with some bodyslams and some chops, but Sylvan makes a comeback on the outside. Some punchy-kicky, only made interesting by JBL saying “I met Tatanka years ago, before he became a Buffalo”.

Sylvan then destroys the credibility of Elijah Burke by hitting The Stroke on Tatanka, but only for a two.

Uh-oh! Chop time!

Tatanka dips into his deep bag of offense and hits roughly 19, 462 chops, before going to the top rope.

For another chop.

Finish shortly thereafter, when Tatanka hits…..er…..well, it was also The Stroke (except for a swinging intro). Credibility restored Elijah!

Your Winner, Tatanka, Elijah Burke, and a little bit of Jeff Jarrett, in about 7 minutes.

Backstage, MISSTTEERRRRR Kennedy, is walking. Kennedy!


Full dim light announcer intro for Kennedy, and then we’re off with

Batista vs. Kennedy

Yep, this is last weeks show alright.

Stalling on Kennedy’s part to start, leading to his early advantage with a headlock and an armbar. Batista powers out and gives Kennedy a beating in the corner, so Kennedy takes a powder, and calls for a timeout in the aisle. For the first time in the history of Pro Wrestling, the announcers don’t say “There’s no Time-Outs in wrestling!”

Bats follows him out, slaps him around a bit, drags him chest first into the STEEL pole, and then takes it back into the ring. But wait!

Kennedy hits a charging Batista with a dropkick to the knee, and then works a bunch of knee-related offense, but in a way that’s more entertaining that it sounds. Nearfall for Kennedy after a nice looking kick to Batista’s face, and then back to a leg lock.

This goes on for a bit, until Batista regains control with a clothesline. JBL compares the match to the relationship between Tiger Woods and Ernie Els. Huh.

And then we go home, as Batista nails a couple more power moves, and then the BatistaBomb for the clean win.

You Winner, in about 8-10 minutes, Batista!

Well, I guess that’s the blow off match that we needed. It was pretty good too, as I think these guys have some genuine chemistry in the ring. The show needed that segment, as it has been fairly horrible for quite some time now.

After the match, Cole tries to congratulate Batista, but big Dave has none of it. Seems he wants his Title back!


Another Diva takes it in the face.

And we’re back to the ring, for

Vito vs. The Future ECW World Champion, The Brooklyn Brawler!

Words cannot express my utter misery at what I’m about to endure. Instead of typing as the match goes, I’m going to watch the entire thing, and then come back to you. Wish me luck.

I feel violated. That was horrible. Absolutely awful, and if you run into me in the street, I’m gonna need a hug.

Nothing of note happened for awhile, and then Vito did that dress over the head submission for the win. A segment so pointless, it made me question the existence of God.

Your Winner, Vito, in about 4 minutes

Another Diva gets some in her hair.

Then the Miz comes back, and tells us to watch RAW. Even that Douche is bored with this show.

Backstage, and we’re with Teddy Long, who is chatting with….Oh Christ, wait for it….


Montel Vontavious Porter. Or MVP. Brooklyn Brawler dons his Abe Schwartz face paint and sues. Probably.

Anyway, seems this guy wants to be signed to SmackDown, but not before he makes me want to smash my TV by saying “You better call a Doctor, because I’m wearing so much Ice, I’m gonna catch Hypothermia!”. I don’t have enough middle fingers to respond to that.


Michelle McCool brings the lovely to the ring, introduces her new Tag Team, and we get

Idol Stevens & KC James (With McCool) vs. Funaki & Scotty 2 Hotty

Close your eyes and picture the most generic tag match you have ever seen, with a crowd that is twiddling it’s thumbs in silence, and you’ve seen this match.

Hotty spends the first part of the match getting shit kicked, which is so utterly missable, they cut away to Spanky and London watching the match on TV in the back.

If I’d have known they were gonna be watching anyway, I’d have got them to recap it.

Anyway, more Hotty beatdown, and I am losing interest at an alarming rate. Funaki gets tagged in eventually, and continues where Scotty’s beating left off.

Stevens and James hit their finisher, which is Funaki taking a slingshot into a missile dropkick, and we finally get the bell.

Your Winner, Stevens and James, in about 5-6 minutes


Backstage, and we get the Charisma. Booker and Sharmell are having a private chat with a camera in their faces, and Sharmell gives Booker the pep talk. They come to the fairly reasonable conclusion that the night will end with Undertaker saying “All Hail King Booker!”.

Cole tells us that we will finally get to hear why Chavo betrayed Rey-Rey, but first some


We’re back with Kerwin mid-ring. And guess what?

We’re exhuming Eddie’s corpse again, that’s what.

Seems Chavo is pissed because Mysterio uses Eddie’s name to get over. He says that Rey is so lame, that he makes the crowd chant Eddie so he can get a rub.

That’s the gist, but it goes on for about 7 hours.

Anyway, Mysterio takes just the right amount of a verbal bashing, before he hits the ring for a brawl. Vickie Guerrero hits the ring to keep some peace. I hope she’s the guest referee at SS, and that she turns heel on her dead Husband.

Enough with the Eddie storylines please.

I’ll lighten the mood with a joke, and we’ll go with Mitch Hedburg for the 2nd week in a row:

“Sometimes I get pissed off at my Parents for adopting their kids. I mean, my Sister ould be the love of my life, but now I’ll never know”

There. Better.


Back from the break and we recap the Kennedy-Batista match from earlier for the Alzheimer patients watching. And then?

The Undertaker vs. King Booker

6 minutes of Ring Entrances, followed by 25 seconds of action, followed by


Taker gets the early advantage with his usual offense, and goes for Old School. No Sale though, as Sharmell distracts him allowing Book to pull the Dead man off of the rope. Taker comes back though, with some armbar type action, a successful Old School, and a two count after a Reverse Stroke.

Booker manages to get the advantage on the outside, and puts the boots in on Taker. Back in the ring and Taker eats a side kick for a nearfall, then Booker goes in withsome punches to the face. They replay the kick, and Cole says “There’s the flexibilityvwe always talk about when we talk about Booker T”. I call ‘Bullshit’, as I’ve never once heard anyone say anything along the lines of “Here comes Booker. He’s so FLEXIBLE!”

Bit more Booker, then he misses a scissor kick which allows Taker to throw some punches. Taker no sells some shit, then some more punches, then chokelsam and….


Khali hits the ring, and lays out Taker. He tries the foot on the chest pose, but Taker is all “No Way Dude”, and sits up, beats Khali, and chases him off.

Your Winner, By DQ, The Undertaker, in about 12 minutes

Afterwards, Taker’s on the mic!

He challenges Khali to a Last Man Standing match at SummerSlam. The Big Showf rees up his schedule.

We see Khali and Daivari looking concerned, we cut to Taker posing, and we’re out.

Overall Thoughts:

I didn’t completely hate it. I suppose that isn’t the most glowing of reviews, but it’s all I can give. If you have nothing to do, Batista-Kennedy and Finlay-Regal were good, And the main even wasn’t terrible. Take what you will from that.

And that does it for another week!

I have to mention though, that wOOrd on the street is that this is our last kick at the can, as SmackDown moves to Friday nights in Canada as of next week, rendering our Precaps null and void.

If we end up sticking around, more awesomeness to come, but if not? Well, whoever’s taking over, I ask you to be gentle with our SmackDown:

She’s a cruel Mistress.


SMACKDOWN RECAP: Bonding Exercises
RAW RECAP: The New Guy Blows It
PPV RECAP: WWE Night of Champions 2012
RAW RECAP: The Show Must Go On
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Boot Gets the Boot
RAW RECAP: Heyman Lands an Expansion Franchise
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Losing is the new Winning
RAW RECAP: Say My Name
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Deja Vu All Over Again
RAW RECAP: Dignity Before Gold?
PPV RECAP: SummerSlam 2012
RAW RECAP: Bigger IS Better
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Hitting with Two Strikes
RAW RECAP: Heel, or Tweener?
RAW RECAP: CM Punk is Not a Fan of Dwayne
SMACKDOWN RECAP: The Returnening
RAW RECAP: Countdown to 1000
PPV RECAP: WWE Money in the Bank 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Friday Night ZackDown
RAW RECAP: Closure's a Bitch
RAW RECAP: Crazy Gets What Crazy Wants
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Five Surprising MitB Deposits
RAW RECAP: Weeeellll, It's a Big MitB
RAW RECAP: Johnny B. Gone
PPV RECAP: WWE No Way Out 2012
RAW RECAP: Crazy Go Nuts
RAW RECAP: Be a Star, My Ass
RAW RECAP: You Can't See Him
RAW RECAP: Big Johnny Still in Charge
PPV RECAP: WWE Over the Limit 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: One Gullible Fella
RAW RECAP: Anvil, or Red Herring?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Everybody Hates Berto
RAW RECAP: Look Who's Back
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Care to go Best of Five?
RAW RECAP: An Ace Up His Sleeve
PPV RECAP: WWE Extreme Rules 2012
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Sh-Sh-Sheamus and the nOObs
RAW RECAP: Edge, the Motivational Speaker?
SMACKDOWN RECAP: AJ is Angry, Jilted
RAW RECAP: Maybe Cena DOES Suck?
RAW RECAP: Brock's a Jerk
SMACKDOWN RECAP: Back with a Bang
RAW RECAP: Yes! Yes! Yes!
PPV RECAP: WWE WrestleMania 28




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